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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


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New Beginnings and Fit & Fearless 21-Day New Year's Challenge
New Beginnings and Fit & Fearless 21-Day New Year's Challenge
Welcome to 2018! The New Year offers an excellent opportunity to start anew. Sometimes we need a nudge or reminder that every day we have a chance to create a fresh start. Use this New Year milestone to release what’s holding you in the past and open up to the next step on your journey through this beautiful crazy life. Whether you like to create resolutions or not, you can benefit from treating each moment as an opportunity to begin again. Harness the energy from the Full Wolf Moon on January 1, 2018, to leave your unhealthy patterns and habits in the past. Take the time to write down your true desires and dreams for a vibrant today and a richer tomorrow. Consider your top intentions for your health, your personal life, and your career, then commit.

Intentional Practice: A Guide to Discovering What You Really Want from Yoga
Intentional Practice: A Guide to Discovering What You Really Want from Yoga
In our day-to-day lives, it’s all too easy to get caught up in what others want for us. Well-meaning or not, these “other voices” can stick in your head, and if you’re not careful, you won’t be able to recognize your own, at least not as readily. By now you probably know that yoga is about the process of listening to your wisest self. It starts by hearing our bodies— hearing the knee that is out of alignment, stopping yourself from forcing a joint that just won’t bend that way. But eventually, that act gives way to a deeper listening, one where you can hear your own, deepest wants.

How To Create Your Success Story
How To Create Your Success Story
What does success mean to you? How do you align your values, your intentions, and your priorities to achieve the life of your dreams while being your authentic self? To create success with a yogic mindset, try meditation to clear your mind and allow your deepest dreams and desires to rise to the surface. Rather than focusing on the object of your desire, meditate to quiet the chatter in your mind and surrender to the process of discovering your true intentions and dreams. Are they personal? professional? health-related? We’re all different and at any given time, certain areas of our life shift to the forefront.

New Year, New Moon in Capricorn (12/29/16): Step Into the Light of Your Power
New Year, New Moon in Capricorn (12/29/16): Step Into the Light of Your Power
The final new moon of the year gives us a perfect opportunity to set clear intentions for 2017 and start fresh. It is through the new moon that we cultivate what we wish to bring into our lives, to grow and develop, and to nurture into fullness. With the new moon so close to New Year’s Eve, it’s is a perfect opportunity to tend to your goals, particularly in the areas of your career, responsibility, growth and maturation and discipline. Have you been skimping on a regular spiritual practice? Do you find yourself procrastinating? Are you not stepping up to the responsibilities that life is handing you? Now is the time.

What Always Remains: A Meditation in Packing
What Always Remains: A Meditation in Packing
Over the past six months, due to personal and professional reasons, I found myself traveling and moving from one place to another— from point A to B then to B to C then C to A or B. And it feels like I’m still going and coming to unknown destinations.

10 Great Intentions for Life
10 Great Intentions for Life
Creating your intention is so powerful because what we focus on expands. According to the law of attraction, when you focus on what you want in your life, you get more of it. Or, simply stated by the Buddha, “What we think, we become.”