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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Shift Your Perspective: The Benefits of Inversions
Shift Your Perspective: The Benefits of Inversions
Do you need a change of pace? Are you ready to tap into your inner child and become more playful in your yoga practice, yet desire to shift your physical, mental, and emotional viewpoint too? This week, we’re thrilled to offer four new classes focused on how inversions and going upside down benefits you. Technically, an inversion in yoga is anything that brings your hips above your heart and your heart above your head. Downward-facing dog and standing forward bends can be considered inversions. Some inversions build heat and energy, like handstands and forearm stands. Others like headstands and shoulder stand act to calm the nervous system. Assuming you are physically healthy and aren’t dealing with injuries to your neck or shoulders, low blood pressure, or glaucoma, there’s an inversion to benefit you.

Featured Pose: Salamba Sarvangasana or Shoulderstand
Featured Pose: Salamba Sarvangasana or Shoulderstand
Known as the “queen” of all yoga postures, Shoulderstand is packed with healing and restorative benefits for your mind, body and spirit.  Shoulderstand is indeed the queen, or mother of asanas. As a mother strives for harmony and balance in the home, this asana strives for harmony and balance in the human system. It can be seen as a panacea for most common ailments. In Sanskrit, Sarva means “all” or “entire” and Anga means “organ” or “body part.” Translated, it means “full body pose” because of all of the many benefits for the entire body.

Trust More, Fear Less: Arm Balance + Inversion Classes are Here
Trust More, Fear Less: Arm Balance + Inversion Classes are Here
Let’s not make today about fear. Quiet the naysayer in your mind and do something new and unexpected. You’ll be so glad you did.