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Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from YogaDownload.com
8 Delicious Foods that Reduce Belly Fat
On May 14, 2020 in
Peter Jen
Belly fat is very tough to battle with. Most of the time, this is one of the most stubborn parts of the body that retains and stores fat, which makes it difficult to manage. If you are trying to lose weight, and you notice that you are not shedding fat from your belly or abdominal area, then you may want to check on your food consumption. As it happens, there are certain foods that will surely help you with this kind of concern. Eating these delicious foods will not only help you lose belly fat, but it will also help you improve your overall diet too. 1. Fruits
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Foods to Reduce Belly Fat
Peter Jen
Toned Stomach
Yoga for Weight Loss
5 Clean Eating Essentials from the Conscious Cleanse
On March 14, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
Clean eating is a super hot topic in the world of health and wellness – but what exactly does “eating clean” mean? Here at the Conscious Cleanse, when we talk about eating clean, we mean eating whole foods in their natural form, while avoiding highly processed, packaged foods. Focus on foods that are minimally processed, chemical-free, and very close to the way they appear in nature. Basically, if there’s an ingredient you can’t pronounce, don’t eat it. We’re talking dark leafy greens, herbs, sprouts, non-gluten grains like brown rice and quinoa, legumes, nuts, seeds, organic lean meats and wild fish.
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Clean Eating Essentials
Health and Clean Eating
Healthy Recipes
The Conscious Cleanse
8 Magical Benefits of Turmeric You Never Knew!
On October 24, 2019 in
Brooke Nally
Turmeric, the powerful golden root that makes our favorite golden milk lattes, is most commonly known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Since I was a young child, my mom taught me how to replace taking ibuprofen and other pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory drugs by instead drinking turmeric tea, or even soaking the desired body part in hot turmeric water. What I didn’t know my whole life, was that turmeric does so much more for the body than simply reducing inflammation and making delicious lattes. Here are 8 benefits of turmeric you might not have known before: Cures and prevents some cancers Could Turmeric be a new cure for cancer? Although there aren’t too many studies out there yet, Curcumin (the active ingredient in turmeric) has been shown to inhibit proliferation, invasion, angiogenesis, and metastasis of different cancers through interaction with multiple cell signaling proteins. Additionally, Turmeric has been shown to prevent the growth of cancerous cells and prohibit growth as seen in different testing.
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Brooke Nally
Health and Wellness
Turmeric Benefits
10 Foods that Prevent & Lower Your Risk of Cancer
On July 25, 2019 in
Garvita Arora
You are what you eat! Food is the fuel on which our body works. It is the source of various nutrients that are needed to ensure proper bodily functions. Poor eating habits and diet can be closely associated with various lifestyle diseases and even cancer. Eating more healthy and nutritious food is one of the most simple, yet powerful things we can do to keep ourselves healthy. It is important to eat foods rich in fibre and vitamins. By making healthier choice we can reduce the risks of cancer. Along with eating good food, other healthy lifestyle choices can help keep diseases at bay. A balanced diet is an execllent starting place and so is adding some more physical activity. Even strengthening the core of the body further empowers the immune system. One simple first step towards a healthier life is to simply look at and assess your diet. Identify whether the foods that you are eating are fulfilling the needs of your body or not. Do your best to stay away from foods containing saturated fats and high sugar content.
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10 Foods that Prevent Cancer
Diet and Cancer
Foods to Reduce Risk of Cancer
Garvita Arora
6 Delicious Smoothie Recipes for Healthier Hair, Skin & Nails
On September 29, 2018 in
Healthy Recipes
Catalin Zorzini
“Love yourself. It is important to stay positive because beauty comes from the inside out” - Jenn Proske Smoothies made of vegetables, fruits and low-fat dairy products are packed with vitamins and minerals and they offer a healthy, refreshing drink option. You can also experiment with adding matcha powder to any of the recipes below for an added twist! A variety of smoothies can be made by using a few key ingredients rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals, ranging from vitamin C to calcium. They are ideal for the warm summer months since they’re easy to digest and can keep your hair, skin and nails healthy. Adding smoothies to your diet is the best way to make sure that you consume enough fruits and vegetables. Let’s take a look at some energizing fruit and veggie smoothies today.
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Catalin Zorzini
Healthy Hair
Healthy Nails
Healthy Skin
Healthy Smoothie Recipes
5 Mood Boosting Foods
On May 21, 2018 in
Healthy Recipes
Shaline Miller
We all need an occasional boost in mood and energy! Try these 5 foods for an almost instant energizer to your mind, body, and soul!
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Shaline Miller
5 Tips for Cleansing on a Budget
On March 26, 2018 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
If you happen to be new to cleansing, it’s easy to find yourself spending extra time in the kitchen as well as the grocery store filling your cart with all the new ingredients and healthy alternatives. At first glance, eating healthy may seem to be more costly, but today we’re gonna show you how to cleanse on a budget and save yourself some cash. For years, I ate almost every meal out. I bought prepackaged convenience snacks, indulged in specialty coffee and tea drinks and only shopped at “Whole Paycheck.” The Thai food takeout driver and I were on a first name basis. My thinking was, “since I’m just one person, it’s cheaper for me to eat out and not waste money and/or food by cooking for just myself.” Turns out, just the opposite was true, not to mention not as healthy. Over the last five years, I’ve learned that in order to make a quantum leap in my health I would have focus on fresh whole foods and prepare most, if not all of my meals at home. These practices not only make me feel good, but they’ve also made my bank account much happier too.
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The Conscious Cleanse
Yoga for Detox Cleansing & Vitality
How to Create a Personalized Diet Plan
On December 27, 2017 in
Jennifer Scott
If you're looking at losing weight, then creating a personalized diet plan can be the way to go. It's easy, free, and puts you in control of your own diet journey. This guide has everything you need to know about creating a plan, and helping you stick with it. Why use a personalized diet plan? There's several different reasons why you might want to create a diet plan. Everyone's weight loss journey is different, and everyone has different needs. For example, you may be very active so need more calories than most dieters. You could have dietary restrictions that regular diet plans don't address. Whatever the reason, a personalized diet plan can fit you just right. They're easy to put together, and you can see exactly what you should be eating every day. Unlike regular diet programs, you can ensure that you're eating enough to feel satisfied, and you won't miss out on everything that you love. As you can see, it's the best way to diet.
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Diet Plan
Jennifer Scott
Weight Loss
5 Easy Healthy Recipes to Boost Immunity
On November 23, 2017 in
Healthy Recipes
Cris Puscas
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ―Hippocrates Did you know that the immune system’s army is in the stomach? And to keep the army healthy, you need to feed it good nourishment. Our immune system does an incredible job at protecting us from all those pesky germs that want to invade our body. But sometimes, germs pass by it and we get sick. Thankfully, it is possible to intervene and give the immune system a helping hand. In this article, I share you easy recipes to boost immunity and help you fight those nasty germs and colds.
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Healthy Recipes
Recipes for Immune System
8 Tips to Stay Healthy While Traveling
On November 23, 2017 in
Jay Williams
Travelling regularly for work or pleasure can be extremely fun, but often isn’t particularly good on your body. Gaining weight is all too easy, sitting for long periods of time on trains or planes and being forced to make rush food decisions or generally unhealthier options along the way can mean adding a few pounds around the waist in a short amount of time. Following a healthy diet and exercising regularly is a lot simpler when you can home cook and exercise at home or nearby, but while travelling these luxuries are gone; eating healthy and exercising become even more of a challenge. At the very least, staying well rested and hydrated as possible should be your two major concerns.
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Healthy Travel
How to Stay Healthy While Traveling
Jay Williams
Organic vs. Non-GMO labels
On October 17, 2017 in
Chris Bekermeier
Whether it’s from concern for the environment, their health, or both, shoppers are choosing organic foods and foods made without using genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The upsurge in popularity of these two categories has helped organic foods become one of the quickest-growing sectors of food production in the United States. For anyone who has an interest in what goes into the food they eat, walking up and down the aisles of the grocery store today reveals a rising number of options. Not only do foods carry the familiar nutritional facts labels mandated by the FDA, but they also bear the symbols of organizations that certify organic food products as well as non-GMO food products. Even if these foods are distinctively labeled, there still may be some misconception about what those labels mean.
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Chris Bekermeier
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