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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Asking for Help: Lessons Learned from Playtime with a Child 
Asking for Help: Lessons Learned from Playtime with a Child 
Have you ever watched a small child learn to do something for the first time? I was watching a little boy put a brand new puzzle together, and this was the largest puzzle he had ever built. As he was arranging the pieces, I noticed some of them were backwards or upside down, and he was trying to put pieces together that wouldn’t fit. I just sat there silently, internally laughing at the dialogue my ego was having that instantly saw this scenario was just another playfully packaged, yet somehow intrinsically deep life lesson.

The Practice of Patience
The Practice of Patience
Patience is being completely open to each moment, accepting it in it’s fullness, and acknowledging things unfold in their own time.