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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Peppermint Chia Bites
Peppermint Chia Bites
One of the things I love most about my mom is that she was never one to follow a recipe. If she didn't have a particular ingredient that a recipe called for, she'd sub for something similar, get creative and put her own little twist on it by adding a completely unrelated ingredient or just skip it. There were definitely some duds in the mix but more often than not, she came up with some awesome dishes.

Super Green Smoothie Bowl
Super Green Smoothie Bowl
By now you know we’re HUGE fans of green smoothies! They’re nature’s “fast food,” especially when enjoyed on the fly in our favorite to-go container, the mason jar.

Rosemary Garlic Lamb Chops
Rosemary Garlic Lamb Chops
When brainstorming about a good recipe to share with you this week, Jo suggested lamb! As the resident vegetarian, I looked at her as if she had six heads and then took a deep breath along with the challenge.