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Sagittarius Full Moon (6/20/16) - Aim True and Shoot for the Stars
Sagittarius Full Moon (6/20/16) - Aim True and Shoot for the Stars
The Sagittarius full moon fuels our philosophical fantasies and launches us into a stratospheric search for wisdom and meaning. Nothing tickles the great archer’s fancy like higher pursuits in education, travel and religion or philosophy. As a centaur, Sagittarius loves to take aim at something that others find impossible, in order to shoot for the stars. Often overextending himself, the centaur can find himself spread thin. Our goal in this new moon is to aim high, but stay focused while keeping our energy levels up and engaging in self care.

Sagittarius Full Moon: Aiming High and Staying True (May 21, 2016)
Sagittarius Full Moon: Aiming High and Staying True (May 21, 2016)
Sagittarius, the great archer, is ready to take his aim and hit his target during this full moon in May. Charged up by Mars, this Full Moon gives us great energy to move toward any goals in higher education, publishing, exploring foreign culture or high-level (meta) teaching. While all these Sagittarian qualities are driven and expanded at this time by Mars, we may also pay special attention to the opportunity to explore our connection to religion, personal philosophy or our soul’s purpose. Nothing drives Sagittarius energy more than an interest in refining our belief system. If we have walked away from (or pushed away) a religious practice, then this is a good time to reconsider what might actually be potent and important to you in your life. Our early religious experiences (for better or for worse) shape and mold our unconscious mind and those impressions run deep. Though the external practices or dogma may have lost their luster for you, take time to find some personal, internal practice that ignites a spiritual spark inside your soul. Take back your religion on your own terms, and utilize this Full Moon energy to shine some light on what allows you to deeply connect to yourself.