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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Cilantro Detox Juice
Cilantro Detox Juice
Today I want share with you my new favorite green juice! Hydrating and refreshing – it’s just perfect for detoxifying. Cilantro Detox Juice is an incredibly healing juice. Created by our friend and fellow wellness warrior, Elana Amsterdam, this juice features an entire bunch of cilantro (stems and leaves), which is known to be highly effective at helping chelate heavy metals from the body. As someone who has a family history with Alzheimer’s, detoxing heavy metals is of particular interest to me. If you don’t have a juicer at home, this would probably taste just as good blended up in your high speed blender, but you’ll have to report back and let me know. Alternatively, you might like our Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie.

5 Easy Healthy Recipes to Boost Immunity
5 Easy Healthy Recipes to Boost Immunity
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ―Hippocrates Did you know that the immune system’s army is in the stomach? And to keep the army healthy, you need to feed it good nourishment. Our immune system does an incredible job at protecting us from all those pesky germs that want to invade our body. But sometimes, germs pass by it and we get sick. Thankfully, it is possible to intervene and give the immune system a helping hand. In this article, I share you easy recipes to boost immunity and help you fight those nasty germs and colds.