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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Pisces Full Moon: Swimming in Spiritual Waters
Pisces Full Moon: Swimming in Spiritual Waters
The mystical full moon in Pisces is the culmination of months of energy that began building with the Pisces new moon and solar eclipse that occurred earlier this year on February 24, 2017. On that date, we planted seeds in the psyche that blossomed our desire for transcendence, spiritual connection, and oneness. Pisces energy encourages us to swim in the waters of the unconscious, and after the recent eclipse events in August, many of us likely still are!

Essential Reads
Essential Reads
A confession: I’m a book worm. I was recently asked by a teacher during a guided meditation, “Where do you find refuge?”. In other words, where do I go for support, reassurance, and inspiration? Where is my safe harbour? I immediately thought of my books! My library of spiritual guides and how-tos of yoga practice and meditation shout pretty loud and clear to me “You are not alone. Many have walked this path.” I take refuge in this great tradition of teaching and go to it when my spirits are low or if I need a good kick in the bum. Whenever I am lost in this big world of yoga, I recall Joan Didion’s directive from The Year of Magical Thinking: “Read, learn, work it up, go to the literature.” Here are my essentials.