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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

15 Reasons Why You Should Add Yoga to Your Exercise Routine
15 Reasons Why You Should Add Yoga to Your Exercise Routine
You might be thinking, you already go to the gym, so why should you include yoga into your exercise routine, isn’t that just for relaxing? Although it is a fantastic way of finding some headspace and letting go of any stress in your body, yoga can dramatically improve your gym workouts. The perfect partner to any type of exercise, whether it’s cardio or weight training, it can boost your performance in the gym and enhance your overall fitness. The word itself actually means ‘union’, so think of yoga as the perfect union between health and fitness.

Be A Spiritual Warrior: Stand In Your Truths and Strengths
Be A Spiritual Warrior: Stand In Your Truths and Strengths
When we are in harmonious times, it’s easy to express our beliefs and our truth. Many of us yogis surround ourselves with like-minded people seeking to live life on a higher vibration. We choose to focus on the positive and live from a place of compassion and love. Practicing these principles on the yoga mat strengthens our resolve to practice them off the mat. But how do we stand in our truth when it is challenged from all sides? How do we remain peaceful and positive when there’s no choice but to fight to preserve our dignity, our values, and our beliefs? The concept of being a warrior and fighting doesn’t have to mean that we are denying our spirituality.

Featured Pose: Viparita Virabhadrasana or Reverse Warrior
Featured Pose: Viparita Virabhadrasana or Reverse Warrior
Reverse Warrior is a powerful standing pose that stretches your hips and groins, while lengthening your spinal and intercostal muscles. The posture also helps blood circulation, reduce stress, mitigate back pain and can be a mood-booster.

Featured Pose: Padmasana or Lotus Pose
Featured Pose: Padmasana or Lotus Pose
As one of the most beautiful flowers in the world, the lotus stands for enlightenment and self-awareness. It has its roots in the mud, at the bottom of streams and ponds, but rises to blossom above the water without becoming wet or tainted by the mire below. It symbolically represents being fully grounded in our truths, yet aspiring past suffering and negativity towards our truest forms.

To Lengthen and Strengthen in Yoga
To Lengthen and Strengthen in Yoga
My journey in yoga lately has been leading me to throughly analyze the way postures work. In other words, alignment. Lately I’ve been asking myself: what is the balance between strength and flexibility? Does a body party or muscle group need to be strong in order to be flexible?

The Foundation of Vinyasa Yoga
The Foundation of Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa Yoga is one of the most practiced styles worldwide, indeed, according to a survey by the Yoga Journal, it is the most popular style amongst yogis. So, why is it that there seems to be some confusion about what Vinyasa is? Is it a style? A sequence? Or is it just a technique? And what exactly does it mean when a teacher says “take a Vinyasa”?

Empower Your Awesome, Love Your Core
Empower Your Awesome, Love Your Core
You are awesome! Yes, you. If sometimes you doubt yourself and question whether you’re strong enough for whatever you’re facing in your life, you aren’t alone. We’ve got some suggestions for you about how loving and strengthening your core will empower you. Our core is our center—physically, emotionally and mentally. It is vital to keep our spine healthy, our abs strong and learn to cultivate our prana or life force energy from our navel center. Remember that when we create strength in our physical body, it translates to strength in our heart and mind as well.

10 Ways to Keep Your $#!t Together When Others Can't
10 Ways to Keep Your $#!t Together When Others Can't
Challenges. They knock us on our ass. They slap us on the face. And they leave us with a choice: to stay on the ground or to stand up and move forward.

Sure Footing
Sure Footing
Stability and security… what does it mean to you?