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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

10 Yogic Sayings Explained for Ways to Help (Re)create Balance
10 Yogic Sayings Explained for Ways to Help (Re)create Balance
It is common for people to go through dry spells or feel burnt out. We all have, at one point of another, felt uninspired, overworked, wanted to check out and just plain exhausted from the humdrum of life and the prevailing idea of not ‘being enough’. We don’t always have time to go to cook healthy meals, go to yoga classes, stick to our budget or just do things ‘right’. One might wonder what it would be like to have more hours in a given day to do the things we want to do to live a more fulfilling and happy life. Yet if your evenings and weekends are spent in the same couch potato or indulgent fashion, it may be time for you to check in and recognise this as a sign that you’ve been making excuses for yourself.

I Am Content
I Am Content
What is it about being ambitious by nature? I am always playing with the prospect of somewhere else, or something else, something new. Seeking it has always been my mindset, for as long as I can remember. Until now. Finding balance between my self-determination and so much my brain space can handle? I have to work on getting my life sorted, get a health check, or my goal of drinking more water in this moment, and I can write a list of 20-something things I want to do, or I can try to schedule (more like squeeze in) back-to-back yoga classes into my daily schedule, and I can try to become a better photographer or writer or whatever it is yet all I’d like to do is sit still.

What Always Remains: A Meditation in Packing
What Always Remains: A Meditation in Packing
Over the past six months, due to personal and professional reasons, I found myself traveling and moving from one place to another— from point A to B then to B to C then C to A or B. And it feels like I’m still going and coming to unknown destinations.

Your One Mantra: Being Powerful Beyond Measure
Your One Mantra: Being Powerful Beyond Measure
How would you feel if you allowed yourself to seek all that you wanted? What would it feel like to want, free of societal filters and expectations? What would happen if you stopped the incessant cycle of self-sabotagement?

Canvas of Writing and Yoga
Canvas of Writing and Yoga
At first, the idea of writing might seem as daunting as yoga is to some people- How do you start? Are there any rules? What exactly do you do? There are always these unsure moments when you try something new. Think back to the first time you were given a mat to unroll onto the ground and step onto bare feet. The setup that once felt so foreign might become a native part of how you begin your yoga practice now.