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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Don’t Fear the Fat! Why It’s Time to Add Healthy Fats to Your Diet
Don’t Fear the Fat! Why It’s Time to Add Healthy Fats to Your Diet
My most memorable and doable resolution for 2016 has been to eat more fat. Yes, you read that right: Eat. More. Fat. Decades ago, fat became the villain of the America diet and carbs were king. Now the low-fat approach to eating is being blamed for the rise of processed carbohydrates and high-sugar foods — think sweetened low-fat yogurts and splenda-sweetened Starbucks bevvies.

Quick Ways to Incorporate Yoga Into Your Daily Life
Quick Ways to Incorporate Yoga Into Your Daily Life
It is widely known that yoga helps us conquer a long list of health benefits. Yoga eases anxiety and relieves symptoms of depression. It helps with back and neck pain and it reduces stress levels; it helps us be more in the moment and so much more. Despite knowing that yoga is good for us, it can still be hard for us to do yoga, especially when we have an already overpacked schedule. You don’t need a full hour to incorporate this exercise into your daily routine, however, and the following tips will show how you can do yoga every day, no matter how busy you are.

5 Ways to a Drama-Free Life
5 Ways to a Drama-Free Life
Do you know that peaceful feeling you get from being around someone who is calm and isn’t bothered by a thing? Who doesn’t sweat the small stuff? I love me some drama-free people. People who don’t take themselves too seriously, stay calm, don’t freak out, who speak less, reflect more, and use some good ol’ common sense. If you know what I’m taking about, You have experienced the drama free-zone.