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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

4 Reasons Why Yoga Improves Your Snowboarding
4 Reasons Why Yoga Improves Your Snowboarding
Yoga is one of the most helpful and healthy ways to directly benefit your riding. From stretching, to strength, to balance, yoga has you covered to be a better snowboarder. Here is why! Stretching: Staying limber is one of the most important things you can do to keep your body healthy for snowboarding. Basic yoga done before and after will help prevent injury due to falls, and keep your body less sore after a day of shredding. It’s like performing preventative maintenance on your car. Flexibility will help you when learning, and help your body perform at its best when you are engaging in such a physically demanding sport. It will also help your body move without restriction. There are so many directions and movements your body must go through while riding, that keeping yourself as flexible as possible is of utmost importance.

6 Ways Yoga Can Make you Better at Skiing
6 Ways Yoga Can Make you Better at Skiing
Yoga has lots of benefits for those who love to hit the snow. It can increase strength, flexibility and even balance - as well as helping prevent injury. Our classes this week focus on poses for skiers and snowboarders, and here’s some ways practicing yoga can make you better on the slopes. 1. Yoga will give you a strong core You’ll need a strong core for a good skiing or snowboarding posture. Keeping your core engaged, especially while skiing is important, as otherwise you will fold your upper body and put pressure on your back, making it harder to move and turn. The stronger your core, the easier you will find this. Yoga poses all require core strength, and you can practice poses such as plank and chair to give your core some extra strength before your skiing trip. 2. Yoga will help your focus

Flow Out of Autopilot
Flow Out of Autopilot
Are you awake? Or, are you going through the motions without really paying attention? Sleepwalking through life? When’s the last time you took the time to assess where your time and energy are flowing? Or not flowing, as the case may be.