To our beloved YogaDownload community, Please take a moment to breathe and acknowledge yourselves for showing up with a sincere willingness to participate, to play, and to practice presence. May this platform be a source of inspiration for you and may it serve as a reminder that you are extraordinary! Thank you for being a part of this co-creation. As always, may it be of benefit!
What inspires your teaching?
Any movement practice (yoga, dance, pilates, mobility work) and my own intuition that day.
What are some things you were grateful for today?
A new hair conditioning mask, a long walk and a deep conversation with a friend, iced coffee, grocery delivery, new opportunities and yoga students.
In your words, what is yoga?
Yoga is the intersection of consciousness within one's mind, body and spirit and an awareness of one's connection to all beings in the universe. Essentially, yoga is presence.
What are some other passions, practices, or activities that give you purpose and benefit your well-being?
I have been really grateful for a more consistent morning routine (lemon water, meditation, news, coffee, journal) but outside of starting my day off in a positive way, I thoroughly enjoy getting outside for walks around the city, reading a good book in my backyard, volunteering my free time to underserved populations and being kind to myself and others.
Connect with Denelle for one of her inspiring YogaDownload classes, on her website, or on her Instagram!