To our beloved YogaDownload community, An immense amount of gratitude goes out to each and every one of you for your ongoing support and presence on this platform. It would not be possible without your studentship and your commitment to the practices of yoga, wellness and mindfulness. Please continue to meet yourself where you are and trust the process. A deep bow to you! Love always, Denelle
Do you ever watch your own classes? How is it to see yourself teaching on camera?
Yes, during the thick of the pandemic, I reviewed and practiced alongside all of my classes on YDL and I was proud to see that I could still stand behind my offerings with the passage of time and as I've developed as a teacher over the years.
What inspires your teaching?
I am inspired by so many different aspects of life: the seasons, the elements, the weather, the time of the day, the mood, or the vibe I feel within myself, my students and/or the space. Then there are the inevitable influences like politics, current events and the issues that I am most passionate about. Books and music play into inspiration too!