A deep bow of gratitude to the students of YogaDownload.com. This platform wouldn't be the same without you so thank you for logging on and dropping into your practice. It is such a treat to read your feedback and know that you enjoy my offering. Know that your practice is always there for you whenever you need it. Namaste, Denelle
In your words, what is yoga?
To me, yoga is everything. Yoga is a mindful and intentional practice which can be applied to all aspects of your life. The physical asana practice challenges you to embrace discomfort so you can be more prepared to handle challenge and adversity once you step off the mat and into the world. The breath work, or pranayama, becomes your most invaluable tool kit! The minute you settle into your practice, you notice your breath. Your breath becomes your access point to a more mindful existence. When you're stuck in traffic, when you experience an unpleasant encounter with somebody else or something disturbing happens in our world, you use the breath to calm your body and mind. Immediately your perspective begins to shift. While you might not be able to altar or change the situation at hand, you become more prepared to handle it. All because of yoga!
How do you think can yoga help our world?
I sincerely believe yoga has the capacity to help the world and since I began my practice 15 years ago, I have seen it happen. Yogis worldwide are not only passionate about the physical practice but eager to make a difference in the own lives and the world. Once you begin the practice of svadhyaya, or self-study, you tune in to your own contribution to the world around you. You being to question what you consume. What you put into your body. You evaluate your own purchasing power. Your carbon footprint. How you show up in relationships. How you vote! This practice of observance and discernment is instrumental to changing your own life and paramount in elevating the world around us.
Practice one of many of Denelle's unique and powerful classes, now, here!