Dear YogaDownload students,
Here in the United States in July, 2021, we are afforded an opportunity to look back on the toughest stretch of the pandemic. Without disregarding the global and personal pain and loss of the past 16 months, I'm finding it beneficial to feel gratitude for this time where possible. I am grateful that many (if not most) people in the world had access to the connecting power of the internet during this isolating time. While sheltering at home, it was vitally important for me to be able to see my friends and family via my phone screen. Teaching live online yoga for YogaDownload also became the highlight of my week! How sweet it was that YogaDownload could provide affordable yoga to students around the world who could no longer attend studio classes. Can you imagine what the pandemic would have been like pre-internet times? I invite you, dear Yogadownload students, to identify some good that came from your past year. What are you grateful for?
What are some things you were grateful for today?
Today I'm very grateful to have been able to take pandemic lemons and make lemonade. While I was unemployed in 2020, I had time for some soul searching and realized that I wanted to go back to school to get my Master's degree in Mental Health Counseling. Now I am about halfway through the program and am excited to be able to people serve in this new, important way.
Do you ever watch your own classes? How is it to see yourself teaching on camera?
After nearly a decade of teaching for YogaDownload, it has become much more comfortable for me to practice my own classes. Now I actually enjoy it because I know the sequence will feel good to my particular body. And I thank my past self for helping my present self feel better!