Dear YogaDownload students,
Hi y’all and Happy August, wherever in the world you are reading this from. We’ve been back in the USA for about 18 months and the practice of yoga has been instrumental for grounding and navigating change and aging gracefully. While practicing asana, my commitment to the Yamas, Niyamas and the 5th and 6th limbs of yoga has been incredibly powerful. 5 and 6 are Pratyahara and Dharana, withdrawal of senses and focusing without interruption. So challenging, but so calming to the nervous system, the asanas and life in general.
What inspires your teaching?
Watching other people have that Aha moment and remembering that even though I’ve been doing yoga for 21 years and teaching for 16 years, that I can still have those moments too.
How do you think can yoga help our world?
Yoga can help our world now more than ever. We have this tremendous opportunity to pause and feel and experience our emotions without having to run from one thing to another. That's a bit new and different for so many folks that have just been robot-ing through life. We don’t have to live that way anymore. Yoga is helping millions navigate this time with discernment so when we emerge in some new form of freedom, it’s a freedom for all. Yoga is for all, in all its forms.
What is one of your wildest dreams?
Equality For All, In Everything
Practice one of Les' powerful yoga and meditation classes HERE!