A big hello to my YogaDownload family! I just want to express my deep gratitude for having been involved with YogaDownload for over six years now, from the time before we even had visual recordings of classes. Oh how the technology, website, teachers and students have grown since then! I was so honored to be asked to teach at YogaDownload's first retreat this past August, and continue to enjoy getting notes from students all around the world. Honestly, being part of this community has been one of the best things in my life - thanks for being a part of it!
1. How do you think can yoga help our world?
One of the biggest benefits of yoga is that it teaches us to pause and reflect. Imagine if every single person on the planet had the skills that helped them pause and reflect before speaking or acting... What a world of peace and calm we would live in!
2. What are some other passions in your life that give you purpose and benefit your well-being?
My greatest passion currently is my life & health coaching practice. It fuels me every day. I absolutely love facilitating breakthroughs, clarity and empowerment for my coaching clients. To me, this is just the next natural extension of my yoga teaching.
3. What are some of your favorite places in the world and what do you love about them?
I'm very much drawn to the coastal areas of the world, perhaps because I live in the mountains. Sometimes I feel that half my heart lives on the coast of Northern California. I love the smells of the redwood trees, the fog lifting from the ocean, and all the cool tide pool life. I'm also in love with the vibrant, jungly Pacific cast of Mexico (where I'm hosting my next retreat) and the islands in SE Asia.
Enjoy one of Elise's powerful and centering yoga classes right now HERE!