- Strengthens upper back, legs, and arms
- Stretches groins, hips, inner thighs and chest muscles, while lengthening spinal and intercostal muscles
- Increases energy and stamina while building internal heat
- High blood pressure
- Neck injury or pain - Instead of turning your head to look forward over your front hand, look straight ahead
- Knee injury
- You can place your bottom hand on a block on the inside or outside of your front foot to allow for more length
- You can practice this posture against a wall if you struggle with balance
- If you have a neck injury you can avoid looking up and look forward instead
This posture balances the Root Chakra (Muladhara), Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana), and Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura). Practicing this posture can help one feel stable, connected and powerful, while helping to balance emotions.