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Salamba Sirsasana

Known as the" king" of all yoga asanas, this rejuvenating inversion shifts our perspective.

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Step By Step

  1. While this posture provides many benefits, please use caution and avoid altogether if you have any head or neck injuries. Please see other contraindications.
  2. Begin on your hands and your knees. Interlace your fingers and bring your pinky fingers level with one another. Lower your forearms to the floor and bring your elbows shoulder-width distance apart.
  3. Bring the crown of your head to the floor and nestle your head into your slightly cupped hands (See video for more instruction on proper head placement). Firm your shoulders onto your back in order to engage upper back.
  4. Slowly lift your knees up off the floor and walk your feet closer to your elbows until your hips stack above your shoulders.
  5. Lift onto the balls of your feet and engage your pelvic floor muscles. Mindfully lift both feet up off the ground (you may bend your knees as you lift your legs) and lift both legs up perpendicular to the floor. Keep your toes active and press the balls of your feet towards the ceiling.
  6. Continue to keep your upper body strong as you firm your shoulders on your back. Keep your pelvic floor muscles engaged, and your tailbone drawing towards your feet.
  7. Work up to holding this pose for several minutes. To release, slowly lower your legs back down to the floor. Lower your knees to the floor, and rest in Childs Pose for several breaths before sitting or standing up.
Pose Name


  • Strengthens arms, shoulders, legs, core, and spinal muscles
  • Relieves lower back tension and lengthens spinal muscles
  • Calms the nervous system
  • Improves focus
  • Stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands
  • Improves digestion
  • Can be therapeutic for menopause and infertility


  • Approach this pose with caution and check with a medical professional or yoga instructor before practicing
  • Neck or disc injury
  • Spine or back injury
  • Low or high blood pressure
  • Shoulder injury
  • Heart condition or stroke
  • Headache
  • Pregnancy (check with your doctor)
  • Menstruation (check with your doctor)


  • You can practice Headstand against a wall for support until you find your balance
  • You can place a folded blanket or yoga mat underneath your forearms and head for more cushion


Handstand stimulates the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara), which governs our brain, nervous system, and spirit. Practicing Headstand can help the practitioner connect to cosmic energy, divinity, spirit and source.