- Stretches shoulders, upper back, and outer hips
- Strengthens legs, inner thighs, core, spinal muscles, and ankles
- Improves concentration and focus
- Improves balance and coordination
- Shoulder injury
- Knee injury
- Low blood pressure
- Balance issues
- If balance is a challenge, you can hold onto a chair or wall and practice the lower half of this posture. You can also skip crossing at your ankles and bring your the toes of your top foot to rest on the floor for more balancing support
- If you are unable to cross your lifted foot behind your calf, you can cross at your knees only and hover the foot of your top leg in the air
- If you are unable to cross your wrists, you can cross at your elbows and then bring your hands to each opposite shoulder instead
Eagle Pose balances the Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana), which is associated with sexuality and creativity, as well as the Third Eye Chakra (Ajna), which is associated with intuition and clear thinking. Practicing Eagle Pose can help the practitioner with any issues around creativity, intimacy, boundaries, and focus.