- Stretches the hamstrings, hips, entire spine, and lower back
- Strengthens the legs
- Deep stretch for the inner legs and groins
- Creates healthy mobility in the hip joint
- Low back pain
- Low blood pressure (exit the pose slowly)
- For tight hamstrings and lower back, perform the pose with knees bent as much as needed
- Hands on blocks instead of touching the ground
- Advanced variations with the arm positions include: hands interlaced behind the back, hands remain on the hips during the fold, or hands gripping the feet or heels
Wide Legged Forward Bend activates the Root Chakra (Muladhara). This deep leg stretch requires active engagement in the feet, and is associated with grounding, rooting down, and connection to the Earth. The Root Chakra, promotes a healthy relationship with money, balance, increased ability to stay calm and collected, and feelings being safe and secure.