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Shiva Shanti Yoga has a unique design of movement with deep awareness to breath and integrity of asana articulation. It is a paced class and provides a foundation for the understanding Hatha Vinyasa Yoga. Vinyasa is a general term which means breath-synchronized movement, and tends to be a vigorous style of yoga based on the performance of a series of poses. The class format class begins with Sun Salutations, in which movement is matched to breath, there are 24 positions specifically designed by Shivadasi for Shiva Shanti Yoga. Shiva Shanti Yoga has an interest in weaving the ancient mystical thought of yoga and teaching a full spectrum of asanas once the body is heated. This class has been broken up into sections that can be downloaded on their own, or as a full class. Class lengths are as follows: Full Class - Welcome - 1:37 2.Aum - 1:06 3.Kapalbhatti-Cleansing Breathing - 4:56 4.Ujjai- Victorious Breath - 1:50 5.Downward Facing Dog - 4:57 6.Surya Namaskar - 3:31 7.Surya Namaskar with Chatturanga - 7:25 8.Standing Sequence - 7:34 9.Standing Balance Sequence - 3:37 10.Arm Balance Sequence - 8:03 11.Back Bending Sequence - 7:49 12.Twisting - 2:33 13.Shoulderstand- Salamba Sarvangasana - 4:12 14.Corpse Pose- Shavasana - 4:12 15.Meditation - 5:18 16.Dedication to Teachers - 17.Brhadaranyaka Upanishad -
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Rating: 5.00based on 1 reviews
Wonderful class. The cuing is very clear. One thing I have found can be a problem with audio classes is that my breathing rhythm is not the same as what the teacher is telling us to do. When she says inhale, I m already starting to exhale, often because the teacher is giving directions while I m having to BREATHE. It s distracting. I think this is just me, though. The pacing of this class and the breath rhythm was right on. The class was challenging, but not overly so, and at the end I felt wonderful and loose and centered. Highly recommend. I ll be doing this one on a regular basis.