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30 min class (29:51)
$ 4.99
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Yoga for Tennis

Robert Sidoti

Yoga for Tennis will prepare your mind, body and breath for your game. Wether you practice this class before or after your game, it'll work well for both.

The sequence of movements will address all the areas of your body that are stressed or fatigued to help recover and build strength and resilience in these areas. You will focus on your breathing in the class which is crucial while playing and managing fatigue during a match or even casual play. And as in all sports, it's important to learn how to manage your mind and your thoughts so as to not get too angry or frustrated about any one point. Instead learn to take a moment to take a deep breath and figure out how or why you made the mistake or error.

If you play tennis and practice yoga, you know how important it is to have your 'mind, body and breath' in order so you can play well! And if you're just beginning either yoga or tennis, you will surely learn this soon enough!

Up your game and increase your competitive advantage through yoga!

**Yoga mats in this class were provided by our partner, prAna. Be sure to check out their high-performance yoga mats and accessories at!

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