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Yoga for Relaxation (32:52)
$ 5.99
Guided Imagery Meditation (32:58)
$ 4.99
Full Class (1:04:14)
$ 7.99
Stream Download Pose Guide
Yoga for Relaxation (32:52)
$ 4.99
Guided Imagery Meditation (32:58)
$ 4.99
Full Class (1:04:14)
$ 6.99

Yoga for Relaxation + Guided Imagery Meditation

Ian Pocock

Yoga for Relaxation - 32:52
This class is designed to stretch and lengthen every muscle in your body in a gentle and relaxing way so you can feel a sense of peace and calm. Ian combines deep breathing, stretching and balancing postures to help center your mind and soothe your muscles.

Guided Imagery Meditation - 32:58
Ian masterfully guides you through an inward journey to a deserted tropical island where you can create space to relax, and practice centering your mind. His incredibly soothing voice and descriptive imagery invite you to completely escape and get lost in your imaginary beach world, and experience utter peace and serenity.

Yoga was originally created as a way to prepare the body for meditation. This class offers a great opportunity to see just how this works. For the most benefit, try the full version of this class that combines Yoga for Relaxation followed by the Guided Imagery Relaxation!

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