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60 min class (1:00:00)
$ 7.99
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Big Backbends

April Laliberte

This is a fun and intense class that will invigorate your body. It is for yoga practitioners that have a regular practice and understand the general principles of alignment in poses. It’s best suited for those that have started to gain a level of flexibility in their poses and would like to learn to safely take those poses deeper. For example, Hanumanasana (split) is routinely practiced and they would like to learn more about variations of that pose.

This is an Integral Class—full spectrum—to take you through asana, pranayama and meditation. It starts with a flow of poses that are necessary to slowly warm up the upper and lower back; these will stimulate the spine and open your back body. Two peak poses (Urdva Danurasana—wheel-- and variations, and Kapindulasana--partridge) will be broken down into smaller segments with instruction so you can arrive safely into the pose.

For best results this class should be practiced often—at least once a week while building up to maximum back flexibility. Remember, the goal is to feel good after your practice so listen to your body and only do what is reasonable. It sometimes takes months to build up a strong back bending practice, so be gentle with your self.

Benefits: encourages flexibility in the spine, stimulates the adrenal glands, opens the front body (heart, shoulders, psoas), invigorates the mind and body.

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