Sanskrit mantras provide us with the power to ascend from the ordinary to the higher states of consciousness. Channing Grivas' angelic voice will connect you with the divine and leave you feeling blissed out through this beautiful collection of a capella sacred mantras!
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Rating: 5.00based on 3 reviews
an extremely soulful interpretation. loved it!!!
Yeah it is finally here!!! I heard this after Detox 5 Flow and had to have it. This is my absolute go to. Channings voice is so centering and balancing for all portions of life. For Shivasana it is amazing but I find I actually can t wait to get my earplugs in some days to tune in to what I am doing. Channing s chants are perfect when I hit a rough patch at work or home and even the opposite, when I need the flow for the type of work I do. This is the one thing I refuse to delete from my iPhone and I even lend it to people when I can tell they need it. Be Well.