Larisa Stow & Gathering Guru create an unprecedented blend of ancient Eastern mantras with the contemporary sounds of the West. Larisa's voice is absolutely mesmerizing, as these empowering messages of peace and love transport your heart and soul on an inspirational journey ... including sacred chants in Sanskrit, Aramaic and English.
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Rating: 5.00based on 1 reviews
I really love listening to Larisa Stowes Reaching In album while I do my Yoga workout at home! I do Yoga everyday for an hour and a half and I also attend an Ashtanga Yoga 2hr class every Thursday evening and a Power Yoga class every Saturday morning for an hour and a half! I ve been doing Yoga for at least 4.5 years and I m so in love with all the aspects of it! I love the way it makes me feel and again, Larisa Stowes Reaching In album is my favorite one to listen to while I m doing Yoga! My favorite song on there is the Hindu Peace Prayer! The words and music are very beautiful and peaceful as is the rest of her album! Thank you for this beautiful arrangement of music!