yoga download

The Eternal Embrace

Baird Hersey and Prana

Overtone Singing Meditations: A nine voice choir. singing a music that blends western vocal music and the musics of Mongolia, India and Tibet.

Full Album
Title Purchase
Full Album: The Eternal Embrace
$ 9.99
Track Listing
Preview Track Length Purchase
1. Ahimsa 5:15
$ 0.99
2. Satya 6:05
$ 1.29
3. Asteya 2:45
$ 0.99
4. Brahmacharya 2:55
$ 0.99
5. Aparigrahah 4:37
$ 0.99
6. Saucha 1:14
$ 0.99
7. Samtosha :55
$ 0.99
8. Tapas :51
$ 0.99
9. Svahyaya 1:08
$ 0.99
10. Isvarapranidhanani 1:02
$ 0.99
11. Asana 4:41
$ 0.99
12. Pranayama 4:05
$ 0.99
13. pratyahara 5:18
$ 0.99
14. Dharana 5:39
$ 0.99
15. Dhyana 5:08
$ 0.99
16. Samadhi 7:25
$ 1.59