2 songs from forth coming album "Furtive Glances" FREE download of the radio version available! Here's what Jahna has to say about "4:44" "I found myself awakening at 4:44 AM for many nights in a row. I began to research whether this time held any significance. To my surprise, many sources explained that the time between 4 and 5 AM is a period when angels speak so we can hear their messages. I always felt a quiet flow when I awoke, and decided to put that flow to music. I wanted to express that we could stop fighting and struggling to make things happen. We can choose to awaken to that which is within by listening to what isn't readily 'heard' and seeing what isn't readily 'seen'. It's still amazing to me that this song 'came through' since I hadn't written any of my own material since being in 7th grade!" Produced by Michael Perricone, and featuring the talents of Suzanne Teng, Kenny Gilbreath, Andy Rose, A.J. Racy
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