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Tibetan Chants for World Peace

The Gyuto Monks Tantric Choir

The Tibetan Buddhist chants on this album had never been recorded until 2001, when Grateful Dead's Mickey Hart brought The Gyuto Monks Tantric Choir to his California studio to record the incredible multiphonics of their sacred rituals. The monks gave Hart permission to overdub their voices, achieving the huge sound of the 100-voice choir as one might hear at their mountain monastery – with each monk's voice singing a complete, extraordinary chord.

Gyuto Tantric University preserves one of Tibetan Buddhism's most esoteric traditions, training many young Tibetan monks in the spiritual legacy of the Gyuto order. The world's eyes are on Tibet as never before – and these prayers for healing, compassion and peace have never been more timely or more relevant.

Full Album
Title Purchase
Full Album: Tibetan Chants for World Peace
$ 9.99
Track Listing
Preview Track Length Purchase
1. 01 Mandala Offering 3:33
$ 0.99
2. 02 Praising Chakrasamvara 7:50
$ 1.59
3. 03 Blessing the Offerings 24:08
$ 3.99
4. 04 Great Sacred Music 14:00
$ 3.99