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Ready to tackle the press handstand that you’ve been wanting to work on? Let’s do it! This press program will help you to build the strength, flexibility, and confidence to help you overcome this challenging entrance into the advanced Handstand pose, while also keeping your wrists and shoulders happy and healthy! This program should be taken at your own pace. Each sequence is harder than the one before it and has different more advanced movements. Yoga is about constantly expanding your limitations. Whether you've already mastered Handstand and want to get into the pose in a more advanced way, or are feeling ready for a new challenge in your practice, this program is for you! You'll build the strength and flexibility to get closer towards pressing into a Handstand, with expert teacher, Angela Kukhahn's guidance. You'll also learn and refine the techniques needed to achieve this highly advanced pose. In the process, you'll strengthen your core and upper body, in this progressive and light-hearted series of yoga drills. Inversions like Handstand, have an array of amazing benefits. There are also benefits in adding postures that do not come easily into your yoga practice. Each class in this workshop series is between 30-40 minutes long. Get ready to step outside of your comfort zone and make yourself stronger in the process of learning how to press yourself upside down!
Quest for the Press 1
Quest for the Press 2
Quest for the Press 3
Quest for the Press 4
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