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Reset and Renew: Take a Break!

Reset and Renew: Take a Break!

You know how you’re accustomed to powering off your phone or computer when it’s not working properly? You’ve tried everything else but sometimes the only thing that fixes the issue is shutting it down. Allow the screen to fade to black and hit the pause button before starting over fresh.

Well, sometimes, we need to power off our brains, our bodies, and our hearts. Between global events and our personal lives, sometimes it is simply time for a total reset. By implementing rituals like yoga, meditation, and pranayama, we can clear out the noise from the inside out and reset our systems to better handle whatever may be unfolding next in our lives.

October is the perfect time for rejuvenation. When the seasons change, so does our energy. In the Northern hemisphere, it is Autumn, the time when the leaves fall from the trees, and we shift into the colder months. In the Southern hemisphere, it’s springtime, when those same trees are returning to life once again. If we can align ourselves with nature’s patterns, it can help us feel our best and keep our energy levels high. It’s the perfect time to focus on a reset.

Maybe implementing a few simple rituals like focusing more on your breath throughout the day, going to bed thirty minutes earlier, or taking a walk outdoors is enough. But if you’re feeling heavy inside and out, the tamasic energy may require more effort to feel better.

A yoga practice specifically designed as a reset will help you lighten up. Postures like twists, forward-folds, and inversions stimulate your circulation, lymphatic flow, digestion, and elimination. When your body functions more efficiently, your mental clarity improves and your mood lifts––remember our physical, mental, and emotional bodies are inextricably linked.

If you’re feeling a need to reboot your system, we’ve got the perfect classes for you to practice right now. Check out this week’s offerings and step onto the mat, ready to reset and rejuvenate yourself from the inside out. Enjoy! 

Anytime Renewal Flow - Jackie Casal Mahrou

Quick Yin Reset + Sound Bowl Savasana - Elizabeth Brumfield

Reset Refuge: Thrive and Shine - Elise Fabricant

Midday Reset - Caitlin Rose Kenney