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No More Suffering (1:28:05)
$ 5.99
Giving it Up (1:28:47)
$ 5.99
Concerning Sheep (1:29:41)
$ 5.99
Let’s Be Nice! (1:29:06)
$ 5.99
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Alanna Kaivalya Live - Bundle 7

Alanna Kaivalya

No More Suffering
How do we become happy and free in this life? By letting go of our attachments and releasing ourselves from suffering. In this class we explore the mechanism behind what makes us suffer and how we can liberate ourselves from it. It's not as lofty and unachievable as we may think - all of us can find more happiness in our lives... right here, right now. Enjoy this class that is complete with philosophy, chanting, intelligent vinyasa and fun music. Enjoy!

Giving it Up
Yoga Sutra 1.23 is one of my favorites, and it was Patanjali's, too. He repeats it four times throughout the yoga sutra, which gives it great importance and relevance in our practice. In this class, we explore the meaning and power behind the sutra and it's practical application in our lives. Join me for a fun, uplifting, intelligently sequenced vinyasa class with some dharma, chanting and laughs thrown in.

Concerning Sheep
Through a parable of a baby tiger raised by sheep, we learn the importance of developing ourselves as spiritually inclined individuals rooted in freedom, personal responsibility, and joy. This class includes yoga philosophy, modern mythology, fun vinyasa, some chanting and good laughs. I've been moved by the work of Joseph Campbell lately - this class highlights some of that inspiration! Enjoy!

Let’s Be Nice!
At my recent info session for The Kaivalya Yoga Method Teacher Training, I explain why I developed this method and what the philosophical basis is behind it. Basically, I answer the question - "What are we doing here?" ... We are all here to become nicer people. I hope you enjoy this class with vinyasa, chanting, discussion and fun music. Enjoy!

My Notes