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"Everything in moderation, even moderation." As yogis, we value self-care, but sometimes even WE can overindulge as we understand that celebrating being human can be of benefit to our spirit! Certain times of year in particular that are filled with festivities can often be accompanied with eating and drinking whatever we'd like. It's important to allow ourselves to enjoy every moment of guilt-free celebrations with our loved ones, family, and friends. However, soon your body will start to let you know that it could use some cleansing. If you wake up feeling sluggish, overstuffed, bloated, and nauseated, don't worry, we have a 5-class yoga program to get you back to your healthy, happy self! The best part is you don’t have to resort to a rigorous diet or juice fast. You can utilize your yoga practice to detox too! Your body is resilient and knows how to heal itself. Give it what it’s craving to help reestablish a healthy equilibrium with a practice that’ll leave you feeling cleaner on the inside and more energetic on the outside.. Simply roll out your mat and the practices in this program will stimulate your circulatory, digestive, and lymphatic systems, helping you rid your body of waste and toxins! In addition to the physical benefits, yoga can also provide mental clarity. The calming and centering aspects of yoga are essential for an overall detox for both your mind and body, helping release physical, mental, and emotional toxicity.This 5-day program of yoga classes is designed specifically to aid in going from over-indulgence to clarity. Life is about balance, and when it's time to clear out toxins, these carefully selected practices will help wring you out. Expect a mix of classes that will make you sweat, twist for detox, and one gentler one to bring a sense of calm and relief. Enjoy getting back to your vibrancy!
Yoga for Hangovers
Reset Refuge: Come Home to Yourself
Toxic Twist
Let's Get Twisted
Wash, Rinse, Repeat: Freedom Through Twists
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Rating: 3.00based on 1 reviews
Loves these series! But really wish you would add in meditations that go along with the series. A handout or detailed article to go along with it to add more insight would be wonderful as well. And also not make the classes so long in time length. In this series the classes are an hour or longer. Thanks!