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40 min class (36:14)
$ 6.99
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Saraswati Flow

Jeanie Manchester

In this Aligned Vinyasa Flow we honor Saraswati; goddess of speech, intuition, writing, and music. We focus on a peak pose sequence to the swan pose. Saraswati rides a swan. The swan metaphorically is able to separate water from milk. This symbolically is telling us that through spiritual practice we will over time strengthen our intuition and discernment and our ability to seek truth in all situations. Enjoy this beautiful swan pose, open your shoulders, heart and throat chakras. Utilize this sequence in times when you need a boost! Step into the flow of your own inner wisdom and your ability to speak your truth. This is a great class to do before a major speech, or discussion of any sort where your wanting to bring forth your most powerful heart felt expression.

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