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60 min class (1:00:00)
$ 7.99
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Jivamukti Yoga 2

Casey Feicht

Jivamukti means living liberated! Enjoying the enlightenment of being a "Spiritual Being disguised as a Human Being".

The 5 tenets of Jivamukti are;
shastra (scripture)
bhakti (devotion)
ahimsa (kindness)
nada (music)
dhyana (meditation)

Casey guides you through a class that is fast-paced, invigorating, and certainly a “get-in-shape” kind of class. The structure of this flow is a sequenced set and is instructed in a Vinyasa style. It's a fully balanced class which includes asana warm-up, surya namaskar, standing poses, backbends, forward bends, twists, inversions, meditation and relaxation.

Casey focuses on keeping the pace moving and supports you in finding your power!

My Notes