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Stream Download
PMS - Video (26:23)
$ 6.99
PMS - Audio (26:26)
$ 4.99
Menstruation - Video (21:37)
$ 6.99
Menstruation - Audio (21:37)
$ 4.99
Menopause - Video (28:31)
$ 6.99
Menopause - Audio (28:31)
$ 4.99
All 3 Classes - Video (1:20:41)
$ 9.99
All 3 Classes - Audio (1:20:41)
$ 7.99
Stream Download

Restorative Health for Women

Larry Payne, Ph.D.

This class includes three separate routines to relax and restore: one routine for PMS (25 min), one for menstruation (20 min), and one for menopause and perimenopause (30 min). Each of these routines has been carefully designed to help promote circulation and stimulate the endocrine system, which helps encourage a healthy, balanced release of hormones.

My Notes