Sarah TV Russell 
Sarah is a wanderer, dreamer and doer. A lover of all things you can paddle, pedal and practice, she is a true believer in the power of yoga to heal. Sarah has fought cancer and recovered from a bike injury that broke her back but not her spirit. She is the founder of Denver's first yoga and cycling studios, as well as YogaCycle. She has since moved on to create the Denver Yoga Festival. Sarah is a published yoga lifestyle writer, motivational speaker, and leads adventure retreats and yoga teacher trainings worldwide.
Sarah's practice and teachings are firmly rooted in finding yoga in all aspects of daily life and specializes in taking you off the mat and out of your comfort zone. She has completed numerous trainings and immersions in an eclectic mix of yoga styles and took her first 200-hour yoga teacher training in 2006. Her greatest influences as a teacher are Shiva Rea, Les Leventhal, Mike Matsumura, Sri Shambhavananda, and her daughter, who believes that every downward dog ends in a handstand followed by a wheel.
Sarah TV Russell's Classes