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35 min class (35:54)
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Your Hips Don't Lie: Hip Mobility Gentle Flow

Christen Bakken

Shakira may not have been the first to say that Your Hips Don't Lie. Yogis have always looked at the legs and hips as the foundation of the body. It is understood that if your legs and hips, your first and second chakra, are in alignment, it is easier to bring the rest into alignment and also the opposite is true - if your hips are out of wack, it is all a bit trickier. Perhaps you have noticed this in a simpler way - when your low back hurts, perhaps you also notice your shoulders or neck start to feel wonky as well. In this low to the ground, gentle sequence, we will work the full dimension of the hips (inner, outer, front and back). Using side stretching to create a connection from the hips to the heart, we will explore what it means to slow down and listen to our hips. And maybe just take them out dancing after class. You never know....

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