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Yoga for Women

These online yoga classes are designed specifically for women.

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 9 reviews

Yin Yoga40 mins

Yin Yoga for Perimenopausal Women

Kylie Larson

This nourishing yin yoga class is perfect for any woman in perimenopause or postmenopausal. I this class I talk a little bit about why yin yoga is such a powerful tool we can use when our body is going through so many changes.

You will feel supported in each pose as you open and soften into gentle twists, heart and hip openers.

You can expect to slow down and fill you cup back up so you can carry on with life after taking the time to care for yourself.


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block and bolster
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.58
based on 6 reviews

Postnatal Yoga42 mins

Time Out For New Moms: Postnatal Yoga

Liza Janda

Take time for you! Wake up your postpartum body and energize your physical and spiritual health. It's time to let yoga make you feel wonderful again!

Get back into your yoga practice and get your pre-pregnancy body back. This is the perfect class to do while baby naps or just hangs out in a swing or on a blanket close by.

Focus on your belly, your back, and your shoulders. Burn some fat and calories while you're at it! Since you're probably not getting a lot of sleep, this class will heat you up and tone you up without wearing you out. It's a great all around class to get you "moving into stillness" again.


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Everyday Namaste

2 blocks, blanket, strap
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 3.88
based on 8 reviews

Postnatal Yoga33 mins

30 Minute Postnatal Recharge: The Perfect Remedy

Liza Janda

All it takes is 30 minutes to recharge your body and your mind and feel wonderful. This postnatal yoga class focuses on getting back your pre-pregnancy body and getting rid of the aches and pains associated with a recently pregnant body.
It's important to take time for yourself so that you can be all you need to be for the little one who needs you 24/7.


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

blocks, straps, blanket
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 3 reviews

Fusion Yoga1 hour

Shakti Core Power: The Belly & Empowered Feminine

Deb Rubin

This class is a fusion of yoga practice with Tribal Fusion Belly Dance standing dance practice -- designed to reconnect you to your BELLY: The seat of feminine power, your core, and your creative center. Beginning with yoga, we will open the hips, unlock the fluid spine, and ground into feminine power through core. We then take all of this Shakti Power cultivated and learn to move it through Tribal Fusion Belly dance - unlocking specific spiral movement pathways in the body. Through these practices, you’ll cultivate your full feminine power and grace, learn how to isolate and strengthen the different muscles of the belly, and get a fun, full-bodied, fluid core work out all at once!


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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 24 reviews

Bhakti Yoga1 hour

Lessons From the Ladies: Ma Lakshmi

Christen Bakken

Lakshmi: All That She Seeks Is Within. Lovely Lakshmi is often prayed to and called up when we are in need of material resources. She is known as the goddess of abundance. While calling out her name in times of need is not wrong, Lakshmi reminds us that we are so provided for. She reminds us in all the places we feel we lack value and worth, that this is just not the case. Lakshmi waits patiently for us to recognize that it is not in the next relationship, yoga pose, or wrinkle cream. She teaches that within us is an abundant source of joy, peace, beauty, and love. Where in your practice is the scarcity principle running the show? How can we let go of this mindset and open ourselves up to see our lives as full and rich?


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You'll Feel It

Blocks (Optional)
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 26 reviews

Bhakti Yoga1 hour 5 mins

Lessons From the Ladies: Ma Durga

Christen Bakken

Durga - Kindness that Protects Us. Durga is the ultimate archetype of protection. She was brought into being to support the men. She was given a tiger to ride on and the weapons of each and every male deity. While she has all the tools to fight, she is most known for using gentleness first, kindness first. Where in our practice do we go straight toward force? Is their a softer approach? Our lives often mirror our practice and in a world that seems more and more reactive, to slow down, bring all the tools, but pause, be gentle first could be a revolutionary act.


Adv. Beginner & Up

You'll Feel It

Blocks (Optional)
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 18 reviews

Power Yoga1 hour 2 mins

Lessons From the Ladies: Ma Kali

Christen Bakken

Kali: Be Unafraid of the Dark. Kali has been somewhat falsely named, The Dark One. She is known for her black tongue, a necklace of skulls, and her overall fierceness. What I find most interesting and inspiring about Kali is she comes in to clean up the dark. So many of us run away from what is dark or uncomfortable- whether that is a deep hip opener or a painful relationship in our lives. Kali does not run. She walks in, does what is necessary, and cleans it up. She literally laps up the darkness and clears the path. Can we embody this in our practice and in our lives? Would being bold, sailing in darkness, and clearing the path be a new strategy for facing our lives?


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YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.86
based on 14 reviews

Power Yoga1 hour 2 mins

Embodying Shakti

Jeanie Manchester

This class covers all parts of the body, an everyday aligned flow that taps you into Shakti Kundalini. When we begin to have a relationship with the energy in us, we start to heal and purify feelings of unworthiness, inhibition, doubt and fear. We wake up to the vibrancy of joy, freedom and creativity. This class would be awesome before a meditation practice or even a few minutes of silence at the end. Enjoy!



Everyday Namaste

Block, Strap, Blanket
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.85
based on 73 reviews

Power Yoga32 mins

Sankalpa Flow

Kristin Gibowicz

Sankalpa means "divinely inspired intention." We create an intention at the beginning of each yoga class, but sankalpa is more than a resolution - it roots us deeper into our true life's aim. Be inspired by this creative flow that encourages you to use your divinely inspired gifts and deepen the path to being the very best version of you. This is a shorter power flow that packs in a full-body focus.



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YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.93
based on 23 reviews

Yoga for Women50 mins

Yoga for PMS

Elise Fabricant

Do you suffer from fatigue, swelling, insomnia, irritability, bloating or cramping on a monthly basis? You are not alone. Two thirds of childbearing-age women experience PMS symptoms. Recently, more and more women are turning to yoga to pacify this challenging time of the month. Yoga releases feel-good endorphins, promotes circulation, oxygenates reproductive organs and calms the central nervous system. Find balance and calm energy through this special class designed specifically for women with PMS symptoms.


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

Block, Strap
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.68
based on 11 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga37 mins

Kali Flow - Invoke the Fire

Jeanie Manchester

This is a flowing class dedicated to the goddess Kali, the one who invokes the fire inside us in order to dissolve the things in our lives that are no longer serving us. Kali is hot and fiery and so is this class - a continuous vinyasa flow with some alignment tips to guide you through the journey. We'll begin with a series of Surya Namaskars (Sun Salutations) to stoke our inner fire as well as a handstand at the wall and other arm balances including the pose of the great sage Vasisthasana and crane pose, Bakasana. This intermediate flow is great when you want a quick practice that heats you up and asks you to let go of all that is not serving you in your life so that you may find balance and equanimity.



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Block, blanket, strap
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ratingRating: 4.10
based on 5 reviews

Hatha YogaMultiple Options

Restorative Health for Women

Larry Payne, Ph.D.

This class includes three separate routines to relax and restore: one routine for PMS (25 min), one for menstruation (20 min), and one for menopause and perimenopause (30 min). Each of these routines has been carefully designed to help promote circulation and stimulate the endocrine system, which helps encourage a healthy, balanced release of hormones.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

Blankets and a bolster or pillow
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.93
based on 48 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga40 mins

Yoga for Menstruation

Jackie Casal Mahrou

A woman’s health is directly reflected in her menstrual cycle. An irregular cycle or missing cycles may result from high levels of stress, overdoing, overeating, not eating enough, eating poorly, not getting enough rest, even how you feel about your body. By moving through conscious movements, this Yoga for Menstruation class will help you tune into your senses, balance your hormone levels, and experience peace of mind. It incorporates poses designed to ease the physical discomfort and emotional upheaval sometimes associated with mensturation, and will help to relieve lower back pain, cramping, and provide an overall sense of calm and peace.


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

Block or blanket if you have one
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.53
based on 15 reviews

Hatha YogaMultiple Options

Goddess Yoga

Natalie Maisel

This unique and gentle Hatha Yoga class takes you through a thoughtful series of poses renamed after various ancient goddesses. The poses are held for a long time allowing you to tap into the power of the divine feminine while you invoke the energy of each specific goddess, helping to renew and empower your body, mind and spirit. This is a very special class that will reveal your own inner goddess, and will help you to incredible build strength and stability in both the body and mind.

The 40 min. class includes a circle casting where you will invoke the directions and elements at the beginning, and a guided meditation at the end. The 30 min. class includes only the poses followed by a 3 min. Savasana.


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ratingRating: 3.50
based on 3 reviews

Meditation13 mins

Goddess in the Chakras Meditation

Natalie Maisel

Balance your energy centers as you awaken the Goddesses in each Chakra.


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