yoga download

Yoga For...

Do you surf? Or run? Experience back pain or just want to tighten your buns? Have we got the yoga for you – and many more categories to come.

Audio with Slides

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 3 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga31 mins

Moon in Aquarius

Gemma Celento

This class is apart of a zodiacal series to attune the physical and subtle body to the energetics of the Moon in Aquarius. It works to shift perspective and conventional associations. This is redirecting the mind to think out of the box, create new patterns, and is the energy of innovation. Postures will work through twists, and along the IT band. These forces liberate old ways of thinking and moving through the world, and open the self into new horizons and greater acceptance.

It can be practiced when the moon is in Aquarius, each month, or if your birth moon is in Aquarius, or if you'd like to accentuate the physical and mental qualities.



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2 Blocks
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 5 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga36 mins

Moon in Capricorn

Gemma Celento

This class is apart of a zodiacal series to attune the physical and subtle body to the energetics of the Moon in Capricorn. It works to concretize direction and determination, especially to overcome obstacles. This is the energy in which the self is no-longer the objective, but attainment of the higher objective becomes materialized. Postures will work to create healthy mobility within joint spaces and binds. These forces reinforce calm through obstacles, and structure within fluidity.

It can be practiced when the moon is in Capricorn, each month, or if your birth moon is in Capricorn, or if you'd like to accentuate the physical and mental qualities.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 5 reviews

Hatha Yoga53 mins

Yoga for Rock Climbers: Upper Extremities

Patrick Montgomery

Yoga helps balance out rock climbing. This sequence of asanas and arm variations works the opposite actions typically used in rock climbing to balance strengths and prevent injuries. Because climbing involves mostly pulling motions, this yoga practice preferences pushing movements while aligning the joints and increasing mobility in those areas that are typically tense, gripped, and tight. On this journey, you will practice forearm, wrist, hand, elbow, shoulder, and neck drills, variations of Forearm Stand (Pincha Mayurasana), Reverse Table (Purvottanasana), descend into Thread The Needle (Parsva Balasana) and end with meditation in Abhaya Hrdaya Mudra (Fearless Heart). Perfect for anyone looking for an alignment-focused shoulder opening class, particularly climbers who want to add yoga to their training program.

Spotify playlist for Yoga for Rock Climbers: Upper Extremities



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Strap, 2 Blocks, Wall
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.93
based on 27 reviews

Hatha Yoga18 mins

5 Poses for Flexibility

Robert Sidoti

These 5 poses are very accessible, straightforward forward and very useful for keeping your mobility, range of motion and flexibility in your back, hips, shoulders and hamstrings. It's a reminder that you don't have to do a lot all of the time and that a short sequence of postures can be very beneficial! You will learn and practice them individually as well as learn to put them together for a morning flow to get your day started right! These postures can help relieve back pain/discomfort, stretch out your calves and hamstrings and open hips and shoulders. Do it every day and notice how you feel!


Adv. Beginner & Up


YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 7 reviews

Fusion Yoga22 mins

Yoga for Golf

Robert Sidoti

Yoga for Golf will help to increase your range of motion in your hips and trunk of your body as well as build strength in your core, creating more rotation and follow through, thus giving you the distance you've either lost or have not found on the course. We all know how nice it is to be hitting a wedge into the green rather than a long iron :-)

Golf is very one-sided - you swing over and over on your right or left side. The sequence of postures in this class will help to balance you out. This class will provide opportunities to work on your shoulders, hips, core/trunk, hamstrings - all areas of the body that are crucial for a fluid and PAIN FREE golf swing! You will also work on your breath and mental game, knowing how important it is to take a big breath before a swing to reduce tension and to keep a positive and focused mid set, taking the time to visualize and see the shot you are about to hit.

Up your game and increase your competitive advantage through yoga! Have fun!

**Yoga mats in this class were provided by our partner, prAna. Be sure to check out their high-performance yoga mats and accessories at!


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 12 reviews

Fusion Yoga29 mins

Yoga for Tennis

Robert Sidoti

Yoga for Tennis will prepare your mind, body and breath for your game. Wether you practice this class before or after your game, it'll work well for both.

The sequence of movements will address all the areas of your body that are stressed or fatigued to help recover and build strength and resilience in these areas. You will focus on your breathing in the class which is crucial while playing and managing fatigue during a match or even casual play. And as in all sports, it's important to learn how to manage your mind and your thoughts so as to not get too angry or frustrated about any one point. Instead learn to take a moment to take a deep breath and figure out how or why you made the mistake or error.

If you play tennis and practice yoga, you know how important it is to have your 'mind, body and breath' in order so you can play well! And if you're just beginning either yoga or tennis, you will surely learn this soon enough!

Up your game and increase your competitive advantage through yoga!

**Yoga mats in this class were provided by our partner, prAna. Be sure to check out their high-performance yoga mats and accessories at!


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.75
based on 8 reviews

Fusion Yoga41 mins

Yoga for Football

Robert Sidoti

Yoga for (American) Football is a combination of strength, flexibility, stamina building, spine mobility and awareness and overall body conditioning along with a focus on breathing and awareness/mindfulness. Your strength will be tested with some body weight planks and pushups (good to be able to hold your own body weight up, different than weight lifting), you will stretch and open all the tight and funky areas of the body that football takes a toll on, you will practice a few postures that help add strength and mobility to your spine (important because of you may be tackled, fall etc on field). Overall it's a solid well-balance practice that you will feel and also appreciate the work you've done when finished. :-)

It's time to up your game and increase your competitive advantage through yoga!


Adv. Beginner & Up

You'll Feel It

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.83
based on 9 reviews

Hatha Yoga35 mins

Yoga for Baseball

Robert Sidoti

Yoga for Baseball is specifically designed to address the shoulders, hips, hamstrings and core of the practitioner/player. The shoulders (especially the throwing arm) needs as much healthy movement as possible to avoid injuries and fatigue. With the very quick sprints from base to base and for ground and fly balls, hamstring pulls are very common. To increase balance and strength in the trunk/torso/core for hitting (and throwing) we will work on twisting/rotational movements and some core exercises.

This of course is very suitable for the 'regular, non baseball player' as well.

Up your game and increase your competitive advantage through yoga!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.64
based on 11 reviews

Hatha Yoga24 mins

Yoga for Soccer

Robert Sidoti

This class is great for both before and after you play soccer (football). It will help to stretch your very tight hamstrings from the constant running you’re doing. You will also work on your hips, as they tend to get over worked from a lot of play. The idea isn’t to overstretch any one area, it’s more about bringing good attention and care to areas of the body soccer takes a toll on, this will help to prevent injury and increase performance on the field!

Use this class to up your game and increase your competitive advantage through yoga!

This sequence can also benefit others who may not play soccer.

**Yoga mats in this class were provided by our partner, prAna. Be sure to check out their high-performance yoga mats and accessories at!


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.83
based on 12 reviews

Hatha Yoga38 mins

Yoga for Lower Body Strength

Desiree Rumbaugh

Not your typical flow class, but definitely a challenge for your lower body! If you usually experience standing poses as warm-ups, try this sequence. After doing some poses to strengthen and stretch your quads and hamstrings, you will be challenged to hold and refine your standing poses for 30 seconds per side. This practice will help you with balance and integration. Your legs support you every day with every step, keep them strong and supple. This class is designed to help your hips and knees, never to injure them. The key is strength and alignment. Enjoy!


Adv. Beginner & Up

You'll Feel It

Blanket, Block
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 25 reviews

Hatha Yoga14 mins

Yoga for Healthy Feet

Dana Smith

Show some love to the part of our bodies that we use the most and care for the least. This FREE class will guide you through some gentle, nourishing stretches for your feet. Then, you will learn some simple massage techniques, and practice them on yourself, to release any stress you're carrying in your feet.


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.98
based on 20 reviews

Hatha Yoga29 mins

Yoga for Better Sex

Claire Petretti Marti

Yoga is excellent for helping us tune into how we are feeling , maintain a healthy body image, and also increase our libido! This short class will help you appreciate staying aware in the present moment, improve flexibility, increase circulation and blood flow, and relieve stress. You'll feel relaxed, open, and positive. Enjoy!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

2 Blocks
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.83
based on 6 reviews

Align & Flow18 mins

Yoga for Loss

Shannon Paige

Begin laying down. Start where you are. Place one hand on the heart and one hand on the belly. Start by being in your body, with your breath, and in your emotions as they are. Loss is non-linear and has no clear boundaries or definition. We will work with the sense of loss you feel and slowly encourage it to transform.

This is a gentle breath-centered, slow moving practice, that aims us at a comforting breathing practice and meditation.

Spotify playlist for Yoga for Loss


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Blanket and Block
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 16 reviews

Align & Flow18 mins

Yoga for the Dark, Dark Days

Shannon Paige

Some days are darker than others. Begin in child’s pose. Start small and drawn in, start where you are. Breathe into the back-body and expand your own sense of inward space from smaller to bigger.

The darkness inside feels real because is real until it transforms and moves along. Sometimes the darkest days feel like the more permanent states of the shadow, I get it. We will let the breath surface the muddy feelings and have slow movement transmute them towards a brave meditation.

Spotify playlist for Yoga for the Dark, Dark Days


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Blanket and Block
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.90
based on 10 reviews

Align & Flow20 mins

Yoga for Navigating Illness

Shannon Paige

We will begin in sensation study on the back. At first, we will change nothing. In the face of illness, there are good days and bad days. It can be exhausting trying to make everyday a good day. So, we won’t. We will work with ourselves as we are, as the body is on this day. From honest inquiry into the state of body and level of energy, we will engage a nurturing breath practice. The breath will lead us into quiet, slow shapes and movement. We will let the movement carry us back to the floor for a guided meditation steeped in imagery to inspire healing.

Spotify playlist for Yoga for Navigating Illness


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Block and Blanket
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.79
based on 77 reviews

Align & Flow30 mins

Yoga for the Anxious Moments

Shannon Paige

Anxiety often sidelines many attempts to self-care and soothe the irritations and negative life impacts it creates. Therefore, even sitting down for this practice is a victory. Truth. Honoring that, we will begin with that immediate victory to inspire a conscious relationship with the breath. Anxiety relieving breath practices will shift us into meaningful movement to surface the root causes of anxious behavior and authentically create positive change. The practice of discharging energy is real and relieving, particularly with consistent practice.

Spotify playlist for Yoga for the Anxious Moments


All Levels


Blanket and Block
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 1 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga26 mins

Yoga for Smokers

Denelle Numis

Sustain your health and vitality with this all levels yoga and meditation practice. While it may be difficult for you to quit smoking, yoga and meditation can create a more sustainable relationship with your habits. Enjoy a brief vinyasa flow practice to prepare you for seated meditation.


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

2 Blocks
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.67
based on 9 reviews

Hatha Yoga1 hour 1 min

Yoga for ALL: Vata, Pitta, Kapha

Maria Garre

In Ayurveda the three doshas support our physical and mental body. Integrating the teachings of Ayurveda, this class will offer a unique blend of breathing practices (pranayama) and asana to bring balance & peace.
Each dosha is aligned with 2 elements: Vata (space + air), Pitta (fire + water), Kapha (water + earth) which is the foundation for putting together yoga practices to target exactly what you need. Come explore a complete practice for your mind, body and soul.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.92
based on 25 reviews

Hatha Yoga36 mins

Yoga for Better Sleep

Jackie Casal Mahrou

Sleep is one of the healthiest things we can do for ourselves, but with all we have going on in our lives it can be challenging to wind down and truly find deep rest. Yoga is here to help! This short and relaxing class will help you let go of your day, melt into the moment, and release any tension in your body so you can sleep better. For best results practice this class right before bedtime. Enjoy!


All Levels


Blanket (optional)
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.14
based on 14 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga33 mins

Yoga For Depression: Flow into Happiness

Maria Garre

Get ready to shift and elevate your vibration. This class begins with breathing exercises (pranayama) to lighten and warm the body then shifts to a progressive flow to slowly melt away the heaviness of depression.

This is perfect class for anyone needing to lift themselves up, invite motivation and restoration to the spirit, body and mind.


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You'll Feel It

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.71
based on 7 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga38 mins

Yoga for Surfers: Hang Ten Tune Up

Claire Petretti Marti

Yoga and surfing are considered by many to be the perfect marriage. Get in the flow on your yoga mat before or after you surf. By adding yoga to your repertoire, you can enhance your time in the water and prevent injury so you’ll be riding waves for many years to come.

This class is designed to alleviate tight lower backs, hips and hamstrings, and address pain in the neck and shoulders that can occur from paddling. You’ll strengthen your core and create more flexibility to twist and turn. Enjoy the focus on breathing and getting in the zone.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 7 reviews

Therapeutics7 mins

Therapeutic Yoga for Knees

Shy Sayar

Save your knees! Join Yoga Therapist Shy Sayar in this short and sweet video to learn simple but profoundly effective exercises to protect and heal your knees every day.


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 6 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga41 mins

Yoga for Soccer Players

Claire Petretti Marti

Do you want to enhance performance on the soccer field? This well-rounded yoga practice is designed specifically to address the unique needs of soccer players. To excel on the field, you need strong legs, stable joints and agility. We'll focus on opening tight hamstrings, hips and calves, as well as overall range of motion to prevent injury and create flexibility and mental focus. Grab a strap, belt or towel. Blocks optional.


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

Strap, optional blocks
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.97
based on 46 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga43 mins

Yoga for Clarity

Claire Petretti Marti

Sometimes you feel overwhelmed with too many options and decisions to make—in this class we'll work to eliminate the mental and emotional clutter and tune in to what you are really feeling or thinking.

We'll focus on the Third Eye or Ajna Chakra—our seat of intuition to bring us into a sense of clarity and wholeness. Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, long holds in Dolphin and forearm plank and lots of balancing will assist you in getting clear.



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Block (Optional)
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.50
based on 6 reviews

Hatha Yoga19 mins

Yoga for Your Hands

Nancy Nielsen

This yoga class will stretch and tone your hands, forearms and shoulders. When hands become stiff and inflexible it's easy to just give up. This class offers you some easy and fun exercises to keep your hands and arms flexible and pain-free!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

Tennis ball
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.80
based on 10 reviews

Hatha Yoga39 mins

Yoga for Football Players

Claire Petretti Marti

Okay football players, whether you are a weekend warrior or a professional athlete, this class is for you. You’ll open the hips to protect the lower back and knees. You’ll stretch the lats, shoulders and chest to help keep you injury free and increase recovery time. You’ll also address opening the ankles and feet. And, you'll Increases mental focus and concentration with attention to your breath throughout class. Try it, you’ll like it!


Adv. Beginner & Up

You'll Feel It

Block (Optional), strap or towel
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 6 reviews

Power Yoga28 mins

Yoga for Golfers: Improve Your Game

Kristin Gibowicz

Yoga and golf make a great partnership. Golf requires mental focus, core strength, stability and mobility. This sequence is perfect for golfers new to yoga and yogis who are into the game of golf. Learn techniques that can be repeated over and over to counter-balance a one-sided swing, increase range of motion, open the hips and decrease back pain. This sequence can be done before or after a game of golf or for daily physical maintenance.


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 22 reviews

Yoga for Athletes29 mins

Yoga for Triathletes: Post-Training Practice

Claire Petretti Marti

This short class is specifically designed with the busy triathlete in mind. Triathletes are unique because they compete at peak levels in three physically demanding sports. Over time, this extreme training can cause imbalances in the body, which can result in injury if not addressed.

Yoga can help by going beyond simple stretching to work the muscles and joints through all ranges of motion. By working the body through all planes of motion, yoga creates balance, stability, core strength and flexibility. The focus on breathing also enhances mental focus.

Perfect after a swim, a bike, a run...or any time!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

Strap or towel
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.90
based on 41 reviews

Yoga for Runners30 mins

Yoga for Runners: Post-Run Practice

Claire Petretti Marti

This short class is designed specifically for post-run (but we won't tell if you practice it other times, too because you'll probably want to!). Runners often suffer from overuse injuries because of the repetitive nature of the movement in one plane of motion. To help prevent common running injuries, including those involving the illiotibial band (ITB), knees, hamstrings, hip flexors, and shoulders, try this quick class to counteract all those miles.


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

Strap or towel
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.94
based on 31 reviews

Hatha Yoga29 mins

Yoga for Focus & Concentration

Jackie Casal Mahrou

This class will help you find mental clarity, and improve your overall focus and concentration. It's a perfect class to practice on a study or office break, or before a test, interview, or presentation. Jackie guides you through several warming postures to help move energy, and then guides you through balancing postures including Tree Pose and Eagle Pose to help center and ground you.


All Levels

Everyday Namaste
