yoga download

Office Yoga

Break the cycle of feeling stressed out and hunched over your computer. YogaDownload's online Office Yoga classes are designed to not only give you a much-deserved break, but also to help you slow down, breathe and stretch your weary muscles – right from your desk. Take as little as 5 minutes for yourself and watch your mood, productivity and creativity instantly improve. Talk about high-level ROI.

Audio with Slides

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 12 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga19 mins

Mid-day Stretch Break

Mary Baker

Needing a little stretch and flow to break up your work day? This quick practice hits all the bases! Seated stretches, a quick vinyasa flow and back down for a couple of yummy reclined poses for a final release. After a brief ending meditation, you'll be refreshed and ready for the next step in your day!


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

blocks or blanket
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ratingRating: 4.89
based on 9 reviews

Hatha Yoga13 mins

Stand Up & Stretch 2: A Yoga Break

Jackie Casal Mahrou

This FREE short and accessible class is perfect for those moments when you need a yoga break to feel centered, open, and present. You can practice this yoga class anytime, anywhere, and you don't even need a yoga mat as Jackie only teaches standing postures. This class is perfect for beginners as well as more experienced yoga practitioners who are looking for a short practice to lengthen, breathe, and reconnect. Enjoy!


All Levels


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ratingRating: 4.97
based on 31 reviews

Align & Flow15 mins

Brain Break

Ellen Kaye

This quick FREE class is perfect for the 4 pm energy slump, airport layover, hotel room, maybe even the office if you have somewhat stretchy pants and can kick off your shoes (no sitting or lying down). Designed simply to reconnect you to your breath, clear your mind with a few balancing poses and reenergize you. Try this instead of a cup of coffee or sugar if you need a little brain break.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 3.80
based on 5 reviews

Office Yoga9 mins

Add More Hum to the Ho-Hum

Dia Draper

Even mundane moments can be fun, if we make it so! We can't spice up your to-do list, but we can spice up your approach to boring tasks (or at least give you a break that will make you giggle). Have you tried twisted airplane? In your work clothes? How about in heels? What about the best yoga transition of all time? Have you done it? In just 10 minutes you may try something new, so you've got to be willing to laugh at yourself and make it fun! Hopefully you'll walk away not just with a few welcome chuckles, but a willingness to create a little more hum in the ho-hum of work.


Adv. Beginner & Up


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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 6 reviews

Office Yoga13 mins

Remember the Good: Feeling Down

Dia Draper

Ever forget about gratitude when you're at work? Yeah, us too. Sometimes it's easy to feel down or low at work, and then continue to justify how "right" it is to feel down. This yoga practice is designed to pull us out of that downward spiral and move us into the upward spiral that comes with a gratitude practice. If we want a better experience, we need to make a conscious effort to remember the good. This short practice will guide you through movements and meditations designed to clear the cobwebs and invite you into a better experience of work. Give yourself the gift of gratitude during your workday! (FYI- This practice has a couple of wider-legged standing postures that you can always skip or modify if clothing doesn't allow)


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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 7 reviews

Office Yoga22 mins

Unplug from Tech, Plug Into You

Dia Draper

Ever feel like you are so plugged into the demands of your work (emails, projects, calls) that you feel unplugged from yourself? And yet, staying connected to self is the key to managing stress, having mindful interactions with others, and staying healthy (physically, emotionally, mentally). This 20-minute practice is designed to give you space to connect to yourself. While you can practice with your phone or email turned on if needed, Workplace Evolved encourages you to unplug for 20 minutes and recognize you'll come back online better able to respond thoughtfully and be of service.

The movement includes gentle stretching and some strengthening standing poses to create a balance that draws you to center. Give yourself the gift of 20 minutes offline and you'll return to work feeling more like you.


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ratingRating: 4.40
based on 5 reviews

Office Yoga5 mins

A Moment for You (Feeling Anxious)

Dia Draper

Sometimes we just need a moment to ourselves. Maybe it's tempting to crawl under the desk just to get a moment away. Or maybe we just want to quit adult-ing today. Chances are taking a short break dedicated to you is just what you need. This practice will guide you inward towards a calm and grounded place, with lots of opportunities to turn inward, breath deeply and be extra kind to yourself.


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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 5 reviews

Office Yoga7 mins

From Frustration to Focus (Feeling Argghhh!)

Dia Draper

This short practice is designed as a resource for when you're feeling frustrated or just need to focus at work. The practice is releasing and calming and will, in just 5 short minutes, get you centered and ready to get back at it!

Location Suggestions: visual privacy recommended (office, cubicle, conference room)

Clothing Suggestions: any work clothes, shoes off recommended for grounding (not required for movement)


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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 8 reviews

Office Yoga1 hour

Become The CEO of Your Mind

Dia Draper

We all have voices in our heads. Different characters that show up within us, with different attitudes and different stories. One part of us may be incredibly supportive, another part incredible judgmental. To be mindful, we can start to cultivate a CEO within ourselves who calls the shots. We could call it a director, a captain, anything that resonates. When we become the CEO of our mind we remain in choice about how we show up in different situations.

The physical practice of this class is designed to get your blood pumping and challenge you into different depths and peak poses, all in service of finding the inner voice we want to put in charge. Get ready to practice an intense and warming class leading to both Titibasana (firefly) and Ashtavakrasana (8 angle pose), and culminating in Savasana. Sound good? Practice along!



You'll Feel It

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 11 reviews

Office Yoga10 mins

Get Up, Stand Up: Lumbar Love

Dia Draper

Does your low back (lumbar spine) ever ache from sitting too long at work? Getting up and moving around is the best thing we can do for our low backs! More often than not our low back pain is due to the compression of sitting in a less than ideal posture, and the resulting shortening of the hamstrings (which then pull down on your lumbar spine), or the shortening of the Psoas.

In this practice we focus on both decompression of the low back and lengthening of the hamstrings. This mini-break is short enough to be done at intervals throughout the day. Research suggests getting up every 90 minutes is critical to your health (and your brain!). So get up and try it-- give your body a break from sitting and experience some Lumbar Love! And then set an outlook reminder and do it again in 90 minutes!


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ratingRating: 4.98
based on 50 reviews

Office Yoga15 mins

Release & Relax: Head, Neck & Shoulder

Dia Draper

Ever feel like your head weighs 40 pounds? Ever notice your shoulders rounding in? Ever get aches in your neck during the workday? Well you're in luck. This class is designed to combat the mid-day slump (and the accompanying aches) we all find ourselves in. Taking a short 15-minute break to give some love to your head, neck and shoulders can make a world of difference to both your productivity and how you feel. Gift yourself with a short break to release tension and relax your muscles-- focused just where you need it.


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ratingRating: 4.91
based on 34 reviews

Office Yoga29 mins

Wind Down From Your Workday

Dia Draper

Find Home Within Yourself

This short and sweet practice is designed to help you unwind from your workday and transition into your evening. It's a simple and feel-good sequence that will nurture your entire body and loosen your hips after your busy day. Together we'll warm up the whole body through Sun Salutations and standing postures, and then wind down sweetly. You'll find the space to reconnect with the world within your skin, feel what you need to feel, and let go of the rest. If you've had a long day, or have been focused on everyone and anything but you, this class is just what you need.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 4 reviews

Office Yoga4 mins

Reset Button (Feeling Like a Do-Over)

Dia Draper

This short office practice is designed to help us reset our day. Maybe something didn't go as planned, or we just aren't feeling at our best. We'll move our bodies in ways that let you clear out the old, and set a new intention for the rest of the day. This practice has some wider stances for standing poses, so make sure your clothing is loose enough!


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ratingRating: 4.67
based on 3 reviews

Office Yoga6 mins

Sharpen Your Brain

Dia Draper

Ever notice your brain gets fuzzy? Things were going great, and then suddenly you're re-reading the same sentence over and over again? Your brain needs a break! It needs some oxygen, and we get that best with big breaths and movement. And as a bonus, cross-lateral movements brighten up both hemispheres of the brain (so make sure you have some space for table top!) Join us for this quick 5-minute practice designed to refresh your brain and get you back to your sharp, savvy self.


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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 4 reviews

Office Yoga4 mins

Reboot Your System

Dia Draper

Feeling Triggered into Stress or Emotion

Ever notice that when your computer isn't thinking clearly or it's spinning its (literal) wheels, the IT team will tell you to reboot the system? Well this class is the same thing-- but a reboot for YOUR system. With our yoga practice we get better and better at noticing when we're triggered into a more reactive and emotional place. And when triggered, you probably aren't thinking clearly. This short practice is all about calming our system down and getting our pre-frontal cortex back online once we've been triggered into a more primal state. By choosing this class, yore pressing the restart button on YOU!


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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 3 reviews

Office Yoga6 mins

Go Time: Ramping Up for a Big Event or Meeting

Dia Draper

This FREE short office break is designed to be both calming and invigorating to achieve just the right balance of energy for your big event or meeting. We move though forward folds, back bends and a power posture for you to access your best self. Visual privacy is recommend (office, cubicle, conference room), and any type of clothing and shoes work.


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ratingRating: 4.57
based on 30 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga22 mins

Pick Me Up

Pradeep Teotia

Falling asleep at your desk? Need to squeeze in a quick practice between appointments and afternoon carpools? This short class will wake you up, bring your mind home from its wandering ways, and set you back on track.

There's nothing like a little Pradeep motivation to keep you going!



You'll Feel It

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ratingRating: 4.64
based on 11 reviews

Power Yoga32 mins

IndieFlow Lunchtime Yoga: Back

Kristen Boyle

This class is one of four Indieflow Yoga classes designed for anytime you need a yoga pick-me-up, whether it’s your lunch hour or before your day starts, or anytime you have a few minutes to roll out your mat. Practice them in any order or in succession: Hips, Twists, Core, Back.

The theme of each class draws on one of the agreements from The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz:

1st Agreement: Be Impeccable With Your Word
2nd Agreement: Don’t Take Anything Personally
3rd Agreement: Don’t Make Assumptions
4th Agreement: Always Do Your Best

Each of the four classes involves a fast-paced series of Surya Namaskar A and B before we dive into the postural focus of the class.

This Class: Back - 4th Agreement: Always Do Your Best 
This class presents a unique transition from Shalabasana into Bhujangasana, to emphasize the strength of the muscles supporting the spine, hamstrings and adductors to extend the legs to the back in order to create a deeper and safer backbend. With spine strengthening poses and Dhanurasana, you will be more than ready for the apex pose of Urdhva Dhanurasana, created with strength. Enjoy!



Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 3 reviews

Office Yoga7 mins

A Moment to Breathe

Dia Draper

For the Space Between Projects

Have a little space between projects? Not quite ready to dive in to the next thing? Try this 7 minute office break to help you release the old and bring in energy for the new. This practice moves through twists, heart openers and ends with lions breath (or just a big exhale if that feels more comfortable in your workplace). It's the perfect way to take a break that will both bring you into the present and prepare you for what's next.


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ratingRating: 4.40
based on 10 reviews

Office Yoga32 mins

IndieFlow Lunchtime Yoga: Core

Kristen Boyle

This class is one of four Indieflow Yoga classes designed for anytime you need a yoga pick-me-up, whether it’s your lunch hour or before your day starts, or anytime you have a few minutes to roll out your mat. Practice them in any order or in succession: Hips, Twists, Core, Back.

The theme of each class draws on one of the agreements from The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz:

1st Agreement: Be Impeccable With Your Word 
2nd Agreement: Don’t Take Anything Personally 
3rd Agreement: Don’t Make Assumptions 
4th Agreement: Always Do Your Best 

Each of the four classes involves a fast-paced series of Surya Namaskar A and B before we dive into the postural focus of the class.

This Class: Core - 3rd Agreement: Don’t Make Assumptions 
This class employs Bakasana and Parsva Bakasana on your back to work deeper into core strength to help you prepare for Lolasana pose. Enjoy!



You'll Feel It

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 11 reviews

Office Yoga9 mins

Double Shot of Espresso: Feeling Extra Sleepy

Dia Draper

In the same amount of time it takes to walk around the block and get a cup of coffee this short office break will energize you and move you back into productivity. We get moving right away with sun salutations, backbends and twists, and close the practice with breath of fire. Breath of fire is an ancient practice known to build heat and energy, and can be a great resource for you in your work day. If you're feeling sluggish, tired and like you don't have enough energy to get to the end of the day (or to enthusiastically greet your family after work), this practice will create a shift even better than a cup of coffee.


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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 6 reviews

Office Yoga8 mins

Shot of Espresso: Feeling Sleepy

Dia Draper

Feeling sleepy at work? Skip the coffee and try this practice. In just five minutes you'll feel more invigorated, energized, and ready to tackle your next task. We'll move through backbends, twists and more backbends. The practice ends with breath of fire, an ancient breath practice that builds heat and energy. Know that as your body moves and wakes up, your mind will too.


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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 1 reviews

Office Yoga20 mins

Chair Yoga and Meditation

Nancy Nielsen

This chair yoga class is perfect for the office, or for anyone in a chair who needs a mid-day yoga break. Nancy will guide you through two seated chair poses, a breathing exercise designed to cool the body and mind, and grounding meditation.


All Levels


Chair, Blocks
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 4 reviews

Office Yoga6 mins

Where do I Even Start: Feeling Overwhelmed

Dia Draper

This short office break is designed to be centering and create an antidote to overwhelm within yourself. We start with a short and spacious grounding meditation designed to give you permission to reset your body's energy. The movements in this sequence are slow and deliberate to strip you of the frantic feeling of needing to move quickly from task to task. This short break ends with alternate nostril breathing to give you a sense of focus and prepare you to dive into your work with a new sense of calm productivity. If you aren't sure where to even start, start here.


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ratingRating: 4.88
based on 4 reviews

Office Yoga8 mins

Case of the Mondays: Feeling Unmotivated

Dia Draper

Stream this class for FREE!! It doesn't even have to be a Monday to have a case of the "Mundays"! Some days we just feel sluggish and unmotivated. This short practice will invigorate your mind and body, and connect you to the purpose in your work. Whether it's the impact you are contributing to through your organization, or the support for yourself and your family, there's a reason you showed up. This practice will ask you to bring your purpose front and center as you allow physical movement to shift your energy towards a new relationship with your work. The movement focuses on elongating the side bodies (known to boost confidence by lowering cortisol and increasing testosterone) and inviting in new energy through backbends. Welcome in a new experience of work!


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ratingRating: 4.89
based on 14 reviews

Office Yoga27 mins

Office Yoga Flow

Jill Pedroza

Do you ever feel stuck in the middle of the day? Can't seem to focus on the tasks in front of you? Spending too much time at a desk or behind the wheel of a car can really take a toll on us mentally and physically, so roll out your mat for an invigorating yoga class and let some of the stress of your day go. Let's get your blood and breath flowing to reset your day.

Class will begin on the floor with some gentle seated stretching to open your heart, wrists and side bodies. Then Jill will guide you through warming Sun Salutations (moving one breath one movement) and twisting postures to detox your stress away. Enjoy this quick class in yoga pants or office attire, but more importantly have fun!



Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.90
based on 21 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga41 mins

Flow From Compassion to Creation

Dia Draper

This practice is designed to purify how we move forward and set intentions. So often we choose what's next based on what's deficient or wrong. When we try to move forward from that sense of fixing or punishing, we often end up back in the same place. When we move forward from compassion, we create sustainable transformation. This practice builds our self compassion and acceptance in service of that transformation. You'll be encouraged to use intuition in your movement and practice with kindness for yourself. Allow the movement in your body to create movement in your life. Towards the end of practice you'll be guided to set (or re-set) your intentions from the space of compassion you've cultivated. Our hope is that this practice moves you where you want to go and that you travel that path with just as much compassion and kindness for yourself.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

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Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.59
based on 11 reviews

Power Yoga31 mins

IndieFlow Lunchtime Yoga: Twists

Kristen Boyle

This class is one of four Indieflow Yoga classes designed for anytime you need a yoga pick-me-up, whether it’s your lunch hour or before your day starts, or anytime you have a few minutes to roll out your mat. Practice them in any order or in succession: Hips, Twists, Core, Back.

The theme of each class draws on one of the agreements from The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz:

1st Agreement: Be Impeccable With Your Word
2nd Agreement: Don’t Take Anything Personally
3rd Agreement: Don’t Make Assumptions
4th Agreement: Always Do Your Best

Each of the four classes involves a fast-paced series of Surya Namaskar A and B before we dive into the postural focus of the class.

This Class: Twists - 2nd Agreement: Don’t Take Anything Personally 
This class offers a unique approach to Pavritta Utkatasana and Revolved Crescent Lunge as you make your way into peak poses, Marichyasana I and III.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.60
based on 34 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga31 mins

IndieFlow Lunchtime Yoga: Hips

Kristen Boyle

This class is one of four Indieflow Yoga classes designed for anytime you need a yoga pick-me-up, whether it’s your lunch hour or before your day starts, or anytime you have a few minutes to roll out your mat. Practice them in any order or in succession: Hips, Twists, Core, Back.

The theme of each class draws on one of the agreements from The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz:

1st Agreement: Be Impeccable With Your Word
2nd Agreement: Don’t Take Anything Personally
3rd Agreement: Don’t Make Assumptions
4th Agreement: Always Do Your Best

Each of the four classes involves a fast-paced series of Surya Namaskar A and B before we dive into the postural focus of the class.

This Class: Hips - 1st Agreement: Be Impeccable With Your Word 
You will move through warming hip opening postures such as Virabhadrasana II and Trikonasana, and then explore external rotation in Baddha Konasana, as well as internal rotation in Virasana. Class will culminate into a peak pose of Janu Sirsasana. Enjoy!



Everyday Namaste

Block (Optional)
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ratingRating: 4.92
based on 39 reviews

Hatha Yoga11 mins

Stand Up & Stretch

Jackie Casal Mahrou

This short, simple, and FREE class can be done in your office, cubicle, school, dorm room, at the airport, or ANYWHERE at all! You don't even need a yoga mat for this class. This is a perfect class for those of you who sit or drive most of your day, as it allows you a quick opportunity to stand up and stretch your body. Jackie will guide you through several gentle standing postures that allow you to stretch your chest, neck, hips, shoulders, back, and hands. Take a quick 10 minute break right now and notice how much better you feel!


All Levels


No yoga mat required!