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These online classes will help you balance your energy centers.

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Vinyasa Yoga39 mins

Good Morning to the Heart

Emily Cordes

This Vinyasa practice will help you wake up the front line of the body, easing in steadily and building up to some balances and deeper backbends. We will explore the opening of the front line of the body as a way to open the heart chakra and connect to the center of our being. Enjoy nature filled surroundings and sounds from Lake Atitlan in Guatemala - a highly spiritual area for healing.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.96
based on 25 reviews

Yin Yoga32 mins

Yin to Unleash your Creativity

Claire Petretti Marti

This Yin practice to unleash your creativity is focused on creating freedom around the Svadhistana (Sacral) Chakra to help you tap into your emotions and dreams, soften blockages, and feel open. The focus is on opening the hips with time spent in Dragon, Sleeping Swan, and more. It's short, sweet, and effective. Enjoy!


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Blocks, Blanket
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ratingRating: 4.00
based on 3 reviews

Meditation15 mins

Guided Dharana: Visualization on the Elements

Jeanie Manchester

This guided meditation is called Dharana. We utilize breath along the central channel visiting each chakra and its element. This is especially soothing as we filmed on the creek in Eldorado Canyon State Park. This is powerful after a long day inside when your need to relax, unwind and feel the elements in nature inside yourself. Enjoy!


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Blanket or block to sit on
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ratingRating: 4.79
based on 17 reviews

Hatha Yoga31 mins

Crown Chakra Yoga

Cicily Carter

This class is designed around headstand as our connection to the entire body via the nervous system and spinal column. Considered our peak pose in this series, this class will bring your body into a systematic warm up and pose progression. In a similar way, the crown chakra is our connection with the universal whole. Working with this chakra will bring spiritual insight to the practitioner encouraging mindfulness and the ability to align with quiet self-confidence in all aspects of life.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.73
based on 11 reviews

Hatha Yoga30 mins

Throat Chakra Yoga

Cicily Carter

A healthy and balanced throat chakra can positively impact your ability to communicate effectively and speak your truth. Working with this energy center, we will emphasize your ability to manifest and express your truth in the world. When the fifth chakra is open and balanced, you are able to express yourself clearly and honestly in any situation with confidence.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.96
based on 64 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga55 mins

Overcome Fear: Chakra Balancing Flow

Claire Petretti Marti

Love and fear reside in the heart, so which one will win? This dynamic Vinyasa flow class addresses all the ways we can create blocks in our physical, emotional, and mental bodies and prevent love flowing freely. This chakra balancing flow starts from the root and creates space through the crown. Flow through grounding, balancing, and strengthening asanas and enjoy the openness you create from the inside out.



You'll Feel It

Blocks (optional)
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ratingRating: 4.50
based on 2 reviews

Yoga Classes en Español18 mins

Meditación y Escaneo de Chakras

Noemi Nuñez

This class is part of our new Yoga en Espanol package we created for our Spanish-speaking yogis

Exploration and meditation - Chakra Scan and Visualization: Balancing 7 Centers of Consciousness

Meditación - Exploración y Visualización de Chakras: Equilibrando los 7 Centros de Conciencia


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ratingRating: 4.75
based on 14 reviews

Align & Flow1 hour 7 mins

Speaking from the Head & Heart

Kristen Boyle

How is it going with expressing myself clearly? Am I speaking from head or from heart?

The Vissuddha Chakra, or throat chakra, connects the head to the heart. Knowing from which place we speak impacts the language we use to describe our life, and that shapes our perception of it. When we can speak from the "eye of the heart" and the "knowing beyond intellect" then the words we use ring clear.

In this full hour practice, we explore poses that involve both compression and extension of the throat. We open the heart. And, we acknowledge that with foundation and creativity in balance, we create a stronger self, which allows for the heart, throat and head to connect.

This exploration, as yoga allows, happens on both on a conceptual or metaphysical level, and in our physical alignment.

Spotify playlist for Speaking from the Head & Heart


Adv. Beginner & Up

You'll Feel It

2 Blocks
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ratingRating: 4.96
based on 28 reviews

Meditation12 mins

Meditation: Heart Focused

Keith Allen

This feel-good meditation practice is of benefit to everyone. The magnetic field of the human heart can be measured up to 8 feet outside of the human body with modern technology. It's our radar and our place we feel whether people or situations, feel good to us, or don't, without using the logic of our mind. Meditation has been scientifically proven to benefit mental, emotional, and physical health. In this meditation practice, suitable for beginners, we'll simply rest our consciousness, breath and pay attention to the space of the heart. 15-minutes of an internal experience can lead to profound shifts in the heart, mind, and how they connect.


All Levels


Optional seat, cushion, or Block
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ratingRating: 4.88
based on 25 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga33 mins

Sacral Chakra Flow

Cicily Carter

Your Sacral Chakra is the seat of your emotional power. Connected to the water element, this chakra allows you to flow more profoundly with the natural undulations of nature's rhythm. If your life feels a little out of tune with the sensations of pleasure, power, or you're facing uncertainty with life's circumstances, this 30 min class is for you! Connect with breath and let the flow take over.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.41
based on 16 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga20 mins

Heart Chakra Yoga: Backbend Flow

Cicily Carter

Your heart is the center of love and affection that you hold for yourself and others. This class is designed to systematically warm your body and open your heart-center so you may shine in kindness and compassion. Use this 20 minute sequence to wake up with energy or to augment your regular routine and channel your power from your heart center.



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ratingRating: 4.97
based on 29 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga49 mins

Manipura Movement Flow

Denelle Numis

Light up the fire in your belly with this Manipura chakra focused flow. The Manipura chakra is the third energetic pathway located at the center of your navel and your solar plexus area. It is associated with the sun's energy as it is connected to the core. Move through a challenging and upbeat flow to ignite the prana, or lifeforce, within your body!


Adv. Intermediate

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1 Block & 1 Strap
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ratingRating: 4.67
based on 9 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga25 mins

Muladhara Chakra Yoga: Root Down

Cicily Carter

Your root chakra is where you hold your power of being in the world. This glows fiery red and roots you to Mother Earth. This area functions to ensure all of your needs are met. In this 25 min flow we will systematically align and strengthen this area with a warm up series and sun salutations. Take root.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.75
based on 12 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga54 mins

Anahata Chakra Vinyasa

Les Leventhal

This peak pose oriented class will provide fantastic warm up postures with and without props to help you explore some of yoga's more invigorating backbending poses safely and comfortably. It's Anahata Chakra Vinyasa -4/4/4: The 4th Chakra - Anahata, Heart; the 4th Yama, Bramacharya, how we treat others and honoring our intimate relationships; and the 4th Niyama, Svadhyaya, self-study. This practice is all about collaboration, relationships and finding out what we can do and where we dance in the playfulness of effort and surrender. It will deepen your exploration of relationships on and off the mat and shift your priorities in a way that all of your relationships will become more meaningful.


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Block and Strap
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ratingRating: 4.91
based on 23 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga24 mins

Manipura Chakra: Core Flow

Cicily Carter

Your core is the center of your power and presence in the world. The solar plexus is where you digest your food and your life. By systematically strengthening and toning this area we can shine a little brighter in who we are and how we show up in the world on and off the mat. Use this 20 minute sequence to wake up with energy or to augment your regular routine to channel your power from your core center.


Adv. Beginner & Up

You'll Feel It

One Block
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ratingRating: 4.75
based on 10 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga53 mins

Awaken Your 3rd Chakra

Life Force Project

Led by Valerie D' Ambrosio

The third chakra is our power center; our self-esteem and confidence. When we become aware of, honor, and strengthen this area of our body from a conscious place, we are able to show up in greater alignment to our core essence off of the mat.
Through twists and core strengthening, this class with invigorate, you as well as challenge you, to stay fully present and commit to yourself physically, emotionally and mentally.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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2 Blocks and a Blanket
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ratingRating: 4.81
based on 16 reviews

Chakras1 hour 17 mins

Chakra Vinyasa Workshop

Alanna Kaivalya

This class is designed to connect you to your chakras and balance your energetic body on all 7 levels! More than just a sweaty vinyasa experience, this class is a life-transforming practice that will have you delving inward to discover your patterns of holding and withholding and how to let go of any blockages that no longer serve you. This workshop is done blindfolded so you can FEEL each chakra as we move through them with the corresponding asanas. Enjoy the feeling of bliss and surrender that comes at the end when each of the chakras is balanced and aligned!



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A blindfold!
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ratingRating: 4.33
based on 9 reviews

Meditation19 mins

Chakra Meditation

Alanna Kaivalya

A meditation to align and connect you with your chakras, this practice will guide you through each of the seven energy centers with breath, visualization and mantra. Use this meditation practice to go inward and establish a sense of each of the seven energetic centers of the body. This practice is great for anytime of day, and for any level of practitioner.


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ratingRating: 4.50
based on 23 reviews

Restorative Yoga56 mins

Chakra Restorative Workshop

Alanna Kaivalya

This chakra restorative class will take you through each of the seven energy centers with seven restorative poses that allow you to move more deeply into your energetic and emotional bodies. Perfect for relaxation, rejuvenation and reconnection, this class will leave you feeling open, balanced and completely integrated within yourself.


All Levels


2: bolsters, blankets, blocks; strap & eye pillow
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ratingRating: 4.96
based on 13 reviews

Chakras23 mins

Yoga for the 7th Chakra

Elise Fabricant

Have you been going through the motions of life all the while disconnected to your higher self? If so, you're not alone. So few of us are attuned to our connection to the divine. In this class we start to access the 7th chakra, the energy wheel that resides above the crown of our head. We forgo some of the more physical yoga practices for uplifting meditation, breath work, mudra and mantra. This is the final class in Elise's chakra tuning series.

**This class is part of our Yoga for the Chakras Package!


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Optional block
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 21 reviews

Chakras37 mins

Yoga for the 6th Chakra

Elise Fabricant

Have you been confused lately? Not sure where to turn for guidance? Feeing disconnected from your own compass? Honor your internal teacher by working with your 6th chakra. This meditative class will start with some kundalini kriyas but then move into more stimulating asana like lunges and hip openers. Explore your internal gaze with a couple balancing poses before settling into the ground for plow and shoulders stand. This well-rounded practice ends with mantra, mudra and meditation.

**This class is part of our Yoga for the Chakras Package!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.97
based on 19 reviews

Chakras21 mins

Yoga for the 5th Chakra

Elise Fabricant

We all go through periods of feeling disconnected with our truth, feeling shy, self-conscious or cynical. If this has been your experience lately, practice this class to wake up your 5th chakra around the area of the throat and neck. Incorporating hand mudras and mantras, this class will also stretch out your neck, bring fluidity into your spine and stimulate your thyroid gland. As we move up the chakras, the physical intensity of the practice slows down so that we can melt into a more meditative mind.

**This class is part of our Yoga for the Chakras Package!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

Optional block
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ratingRating: 4.85
based on 44 reviews

Hatha Yoga24 mins

Yoga for the 4th Chakra

Elise Fabricant

Feeling kind of closed? Lacking connection? Lonely or resentful? It's time to open your heart chakra! This sweet practice starts with gentle chest opening and moves into mild backbends and quad openers. With the front body warmed up, we apex with full wheel or bridge, then settle into a spacious savasana and compassionate guided meditation.

**This class is part of our Yoga for the Chakras Package!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.57
based on 15 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga46 mins

IndieFlow Yoga: Inner Strength

Kristen Boyle

The Manipura Chakra - the Solarplexus - Light of a Thousand Suns. This is our strength, our self, our powerhouse.

Kristen Boyle of Indieflow Yoga will guide you through this grounding sequence culminating in an Eka Pada Rajakapotasana variation (Mermaid Pose), where we embody this concept on a physical level, working with strength from the core to fuel the strength of our bodies. Throughout class Kristen gives instructional cues to guide you into alignment while inviting you to use both strength and surrender to open your body.

As yoga does, this concept works on a deeper level. Through our physical practice we begin to understand how the Manipura Chakra plays an important role in our daily lives, and in how we engage with the world around us.


Adv. Beginner & Up

You'll Feel It

1-2 blocks
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ratingRating: 4.91
based on 11 reviews

Hatha Yoga35 mins

Yoga for the 3rd Chakra

Elise Fabricant

Feeling stuck? Lacking confidence or direction? Do you have something toxic to release? This Yoga for the 3rd chakra class is the longest and most energetic of Elise's chakra series. During the session, you will get familiar with your core, the place of your power. The session includes many twists (not suitable for pregnant women), as well as core strengtheners. It works up to crow and side crow, with some options for non-arm balancers. Finally, it winds down with a conscious savasana and a guided meditation focusing on your will-power and confidence.

**This class is part of our Yoga for the Chakras Package!


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.94
based on 9 reviews

Chakras18 mins

Chakra Flow Series 7: Sahasrara Chakra

Dana Damara

The Sahasrara, or crown chakra, represents the underlying consciousness that is the basic operating principle for all of the chakras. The element of this chakra is consciousness. True consciousness is the ability to see, live and speak in a way that is in alignment with our soul. As spiritual beings living a human experience, we seek to free the consciousness from its distractions and experience the limitless nature of our being. This is the seat of enlightenment and the source of our awakening.

To see the manifestation of your own personal consciousness, simply look at the movie of your current life. It is made up of your ideas, your thoughts, your words and heart felt connection to what you believe and know to be true. When you are ready to change that movie, it is because blocks have been removed and the distractions that held you once are no longer. You heal old wounds and move past old thought patterns and behaviors. The energy field around you becomes clear, spacious and glorious.

**This class is part of our Chakra Flow Series Package!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.89
based on 41 reviews

Hatha Yoga27 mins

Yoga for the 2nd Chakra

Elise Fabricant

Get your creative juices flowing!

Feeling stuck or stagnant? Get your juicy self flowing and creating with this quick sequence to stimulate the 2nd chakra. We will start on the ground, feeling our breath circulate though the pelvis, play with happy baby, cat/cow and a fluid pigeon pose. Just for fun we open up to a couple standing poses before making our way back to the earth for some spine and hip openers. Relax finally with savasana and seated meditation with mudra.

**This class is part of our Yoga for the Chakras Package!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

Block (optional)
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ratingRating: 4.97
based on 88 reviews

Hatha Yoga24 mins

Yoga for the 1st Chakra

Elise Fabricant

Ground, Calm, and Center.

Feeling distracted, flighty, with your head in the air? Get grounded with this stable, steady, full body practice. We start this practice with seated meditation and mudra. We then move on to strong standing poses a taste of balancing poses, stimulating the first chakra. This practice will finish on the ground again with a twist, hip openers, and a luscious savasana.

**This class is part of our Yoga for the Chakras Package!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

block (optional)
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ratingRating: 4.63
based on 19 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga17 mins

Chakra Flow Series 6: Ajna Chakra

Dana Damara

The sixth chakra, Ajna chakra, is the gateway to enlightenment -- to wisdom and insight into our inner world. It is the home of intuition, dreams and visions. The sixth chakra is often called the third eye -- the seat of consciousness that lies directly behind and between the two eyes. It is here where we dive into the subtler realms of energy and spirit. This is where we perceive truth and reality -- letting go of illusion and denial. Many of us carry negative images, false ideas, beliefs and concepts about ourselves and the world around us. These false images affect our ability to manifest that which we desire because we are creating from a place of illusion instead of clarity and pure intention.

**This class is part of our Chakra Flow Series Package!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.70
based on 23 reviews

Chakras20 mins

Chakra Flow Series 5: Visuddha Chakra

Dana Damara

The fifth chakra, the throat chakra, sometimes referred to as the bottleneck of the chakra system, is all about sound, vibration, rhythm, music, voice, words and communication. Its name, Vishuddha, actually means purification -- making space in the energy body for higher consciousness.

It is essential to go deeper into our core in order to integrate and balance our single vibrating truth. This chakra is all about opening and using our voice appropriately. It's about speaking our truth and freeing our personal creativity. The essence of this chakra is to find resonance and harmony with all that is vibrating around you. We are meant to be open to speaking and listening, singing and dancing.....from here we find our creativity and are able to express our deepest self.

**This class is part of our Chakra Flow Series Package!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste
