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Arm Balancing

These are online yoga classes that incorporate or are based on one or more arm balance poses.

Audio with Slides

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 1 reviews

Technique Workshops9 mins

Yes! You can Crow!

Mary Baker

Are you struggling to master the foundational arm balance, Crow Pose (bakasana)? This tutorial begins by preparing the body with simple stretches, then breaks down the pose to prepare you both physically and mentally to take flight in crow! If you can hold downward dog and plank pose, then you are ready for this amazing arm balance!


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

2 Blocks
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 27 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga55 mins

Inner Strength Flow 2: The Fire Within

Jackie Casal Mahrou

Tapas is one of the 5 Niyamas in the Yoga Sutras. It relates to self-discipline and is essentially the fire within us—our drive—that keeps us steadfast on our path of growth and awareness.

This warming class invites you to tend to your inner fire as you tap into the strength within. Class combines flow, breath, core strength, arm & leg balancing, twists, and more to help you cultivate balance and gain momentum. Throughout class you are encouraged to embrace challenges while also honoring your body and your highest purpose.

Spotify playlist for Inner Strength Flow 2: The Fire Within



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ratingRating: 4.63
based on 12 reviews

Align & Flow58 mins

Embodied Mythic Flow

Jeanie Manchester

Dancer's Pose is one of the most potent and difficult postures. It's a balancing pose that asks us to stay strong amidst our wobbly times in life. It also asks the shoulder to open deeply into the backplane. We start slow and work steadily towards opening our hips and shoulders through balancing poses as well as taking our shoulders into the backplane. Though it's a slow-moving class we go deep. Jeanie uses a strong and steady tree to balance on for the full expression of Natarajasana with a strapm as this class is offered from the beautiful Eldorado Canyon State Park on a windy Fall day with lots of challenging obstacles to balance. The theme is steady yourself as the wind attempts to blow you off your midline.



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(Optional) Block,Strap, Wall
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Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.13
based on 8 reviews

Align & Flow43 mins

Arm Balancing: The King and the Sage

Jeanie Manchester

The Sage, Vasistha, and King Visvamitra are the inspiration for this class. The King is enamoured by the Sages inner powers. In fact, The King has a cow that brings forth anything he wishes for. This power comes from the Sages' many years of intense practice and deep meditation. The greedy King wants this wish-fulfilling cow. The cow is now for sale however and the King must learn some arduous lessons that only deep practice can offer us. This class is a playful and guided practice into these challenging arm balances. I break it down so it's possible to get into it!! Have fun, enjoy the outdoor setting of Eldorado Canyon State Park


Adv. Intermediate

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ratingRating: 4.98
based on 50 reviews

Power Yoga31 mins

Power Up Flow

Jackie Casal Mahrou

This heat-building and energetic flow class is designed to help you connect to your inner strength and power. You will flow through several rounds of a unique sequence of lunges and balancing postures to warm you, practice Side Plank (Vasisthasana) and Boat Pose (Navasana), and then wind down with a hip opener and savasana. Enjoy!



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Block (optional)
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ratingRating: 4.17
based on 6 reviews

Hatha Yoga35 mins

Quest for the Press 4

Angela Kukhahn

Ready to tackle the press handstand that you’ve been wanting to work on? Let’s do it! This press program will help you to build the strength, flexibility and confidence to help you overcome this challenging pose while also keeping your wrists and shoulders happy and healthy! This program should be taken at your own pace. Each sequence is harder than the one before it and has different more advanced movements.

This is Class 4 and we push it to the limit here! You did it! You made it all the way! Remember to stay consistent to reach your goals and take rest days in between! You are limitless!


Adv. Beginner & Up

Bring a Towel

2 blocks, 1 bolster, 1 strap, socks or blanket
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.67
based on 27 reviews

Hatha Yoga44 mins

Katonah Yoga Flow

Noemi Nuñez

This is a sweet yet challenging flow to get you out of your head chatter, so you can tune into your body and embody the present moment in harmony with your breath and mind. This hatha sequence is inspired in Katonah yoga, which incorporates geometry and elements from Taoist theory. Quite a fun spin infused to familiar poses! Enjoy it with confidence knowing that you will have many options for selfcare along the way.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

2 Blocks
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 69 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga31 mins

Sunrise Flow 3: Embody Strength

Jackie Casal Mahrou

Start your day with a warming flow that will help you connect to your inner strength and power. You will flow, play in Crow Pose (Bakasana), and enjoy some grounding postures at the end to help you get centered. Take time to connect to the strength within so that you can bring that energy into your day. Enjoy!



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Block (optional)
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ratingRating: 4.57
based on 7 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga53 mins

Flow into Side Crow

Josey Prior

This is a vinyasa flow class to prepare our bodies for Side Crow pose! We will warm up with sun salutations and flow through many twisting poses to be ready to fly in Parsva Bakasana.



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ratingRating: 4.50
based on 12 reviews

Power Yoga54 mins

Rocket Yoga 3: The Happy Hour

Carson Calhoun

Rocket 3 is a combination of the Rocket 1 and Rocket 2 sequences. It is fast paced, and combines fun transitions from Ashtanga's 1st through 3rd series'. Be ready to sweat, get upside-down, and have a good time!


Adv. Intermediate

Bring a Towel

2 Blocks
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ratingRating: 4.50
based on 13 reviews

Power Yoga1 hour 1 min

Rocket Yoga 2: Yogi Arm Day

Carson Calhoun

Get ready for an arm workout!

The Rocket 2 sequence is a modification of Ashtanga's Second Series.This class is full of arm balances to challenge your upper body strength. Don't worry if all the handstands and inversions are overwhelming at first, Come back to this video everyday and watch your practice (and arm muscles) transform!


Adv. Intermediate

Bring a Towel

2 BLocks
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.94
based on 45 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga52 mins

Empowerment Flow 4: Know Thyself

Jackie Casal Mahrou

Often the voice of self-doubt tells us that if only we were stronger, calmer, more flexible, smarter, better, or in some way different than we are, then all would be perfect. The truth, however, is that we don't have to be any different than we are. Yoga gives us an opportunity to know ourselves in a greater way so that we can come to magical place of self-love and acceptance. Join Jackie in this warming and inspiring class that will connect you to your inner strength and challenge you to find confidence where you are. You will flow through a unique Sun Salutation B sequence, awaken your core, explore strengthening and deepening postures, and play in Peacock Pose/Mayurasana (with Crow Pose option). Enjoy!



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ratingRating: 4.85
based on 30 reviews

Power Yoga24 mins

20 is Money

Eric Paskel

“Twenty is Money” is a wonderful fun packed twenty minute class that works your whole body. There is enough in the sequencing to satisfy the most advanced student and plenty of room to modify or making it an accessible practice, for just about anyone!

**Yoga mats in this class were provided by our partner, Hugger Mugger. Be sure to check out their high-performance yoga mats and accessories at!.

Hugger Mugger



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ratingRating: 4.86
based on 14 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga27 mins

Half Lotus Flow

Celest Pereira

This class is for anyone like me, that doesn't feel great in full lotus, but might want to flow in that direction gradually.

This is a fun class full of inversions, arm balances and of course the half lotus. It's a nice balance of working hard and chilling out. ENJOY!



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Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.86
based on 33 reviews

Power Yoga53 mins

Ready, Set, Flow!

Jackie Casal Mahrou

This class is not a race, but rather an invitation to dive into your practice (and life) without hesitation, fear, or doubt. Get ready to flow, hold, and lengthen in this fun, creative and inspiring class. You will flow several times through unique variations of Sun Salutations A & B to warm your entire body, then dive deeper into heart, shoulder and hip opening postures. The flow culminates with Sundial Pose (Surya Yantrasana), Eight Angle Pose (Astavakrasana), and Tortoise Pose (Kurmasana). Enjoy!


Adv. Intermediate

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Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.85
based on 33 reviews

Power Yoga48 mins

Everyday Yamas: Ahimsa

Kristin Gibowicz

Join Kristin for a vinyasa flow that explores the intention of searching the "himsa" (the Sanskrit term that means to injure or harm) within. Ahimsa, one of the yamas or ethical guidelines for the practicing yogi, means non-violence. You can observe this by bringing awareness to the way you react to people or circumstances. Practicing every day ahimsa is non-harming behavior towards self and all beings everywhere in thought, word or deed.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.80
based on 15 reviews

Power Yoga44 mins

Everyday Yamas: Asteya

Kristin Gibowicz

Practicing Asteya, or non-stealing, is knowing the division between need and greed. Maybe we don't shoplift, but do we steal other's thunder by interjecting or not-fully listening? Do we steal from others by being late or wasting time on social media at work? The practice of posture and breath can help integrate mind, body & spirit to bring revelation to areas of our life where we need to upgrade our ethical walk. This practice focuses on shoulders, legs, upper back and hips building to forearm stand. Even if full expression is not for you, learn the building blocks to make you successful in your expression today.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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Block Optional
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ratingRating: 4.70
based on 20 reviews

Power Yoga39 mins

Everyday Yamas: Brahmacharya

Kristin Gibowicz

From an everyday yama perspective, we'll focus on where we put our energy. Traditionally, Brahmacharya was meant for male renunciants to practice sexual restraint and focus on the yogic path. Another interpretation of this virtue is moderation. Living in our modern world, do we focus on external things and temporary satisfaction or are we recognizing excess in our lives and practicing moderation to grow spiritually? This is a short, wonderful, full-body flow that uses different muscles groups and moves continuously, to makes you feel like you flowed for an entire hour.



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ratingRating: 4.90
based on 15 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga35 mins

Guidelines for a Balanced Life: Accessing Joy

Les Leventhal

The purpose of this video is to light you up quickly. Stop waiting to have fun in your practice and in your life. So many times I hear students say how hard that practice was but how they were able to access a level of joy they didn't know was possible or existed for them. If it's too challenging, back off. If you need to up-level and add variations, have fun. What is challenging for you, could be easy for someone else. What is easy for you might be challenging for another. You will be both of those people as you get older. So keep practicing this fun, shorter practice and give yourself permission to not need to get anywhere and just be open to what unfolds for you.



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Block and Strap if needed
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.67
based on 9 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga53 mins

Warriors Take Flight

Ellen Kaye

This playful Vinyasa class will progressively build to a dynamic warrior flow. Within the flow, we will explore Eka Pada Koundinyasana II (hurdlers arm balance) and handstand in the transitions. Tap into your inner warrior and take flight!



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2 Blocks
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ratingRating: 4.85
based on 24 reviews

Technique Workshops21 mins

Equanimity and Balance: The Wrists

Desiree Rumbaugh & Michelle Marchildon

Fearless After Fifty, Chapter Seven.

If we’re going to feel balanced in life, we need to appreciate the passage of time, and use the “all of it” along the way. This includes our wrists and hands. Unfortunately, wrist injury is becoming all too common among yogis of all ages. In this video, we show you how to massage your wrists, stretch and lengthen the fingers, and then strengthen the hands in yoga. Poses include proper placement of the hands and wrists in Downward Facing Dog, Plank Pose, the yoga “push-up” (Chaturanga) and a stretch in Uttanasana variation called “Gorilla.” The peak pose is the ultimate wrist/arm balance, Peacock (Mayurasana). This class is mostly detailed demonstration of the poses to practice.


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

2 Blocks
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ratingRating: 4.93
based on 21 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga52 mins

Live Limitless : Vasisthasana

Kylie Larson

This class will guide you into the full expression of Vasisthasana (side plank pose). Have no fear if you've never done the full expression before, you will move through all the prep work and modifications will be given.

This class starts by opening the hips and connecting to your core. A few rounds of Sun Salutations will warm you up to move deeper into longer holds in standing poses that will challenge your mind and body. This practice will help you realize you are more than your physical body and capable of much more than you realize.



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ratingRating: 4.50
based on 14 reviews

Align & Flow43 mins

Untie the Knot!

Shannon Paige

Connected and Conversational Arm Balances: Astavakrasana to Eka Pada Koundinyasana

Tension is a brilliant teacher. The trick is to let the tension be strong rather than hardened. By leveraging the art of deep inward connection, engagement and embodiment, to the point of being mindfully tied in an arm balancing knot, one can stretch the tension out like a suspension bridge to support and sustain more extended postures. To this end, we will progress from simple to complex, layer progressive actions and openings, to embody the techniques and strength to allow a growing confidence and conversation between two arm balances at our apex peak expression. Beyond the exploration of arm balance connection, the effects of this practice are ease in the neck and shoulders in addition to opening the hips, quadriceps and hamstrings. Though it is a strong practice, you will feel gooooood leaving the mat!


Adv. Intermediate

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Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.96
based on 23 reviews

Power Yoga1 hour 3 mins

You've Got This: Crow to Chaturanga

Kylie Larson

If not me, who? If not now, when? This class, built around getting into Bakasana (Crow Pose) and shooting back into Chaturanga, is all about believing in yourself and going for it! In order to make that happen, we spend a lot of time warming up the core, activating the muscles used to make the shoot-back happen, opening the hips, and working the flexion of the spine.

This class also has a solid flow element making it a very active class. Be prepared to balance on your hands and your feet, twist, crunch and stretch!

As you work through the challenging parts of class, I remind you, "If not you, who? If not now, when?"



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Two blocks
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.80
based on 5 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga38 mins

Guidelines for a Balanced Life: Arm Balancing

Les Leventhal

This arm balancing practice is meant for you to dance and play on the mat. When I first started doing arm balances, it was frustrating. It begged for my commitment. Now it's fun. Having balance and access is fun and so is falling and losing balance and noticing when my attention to breath and gaze are not steady. What we are really growing in this practice is patience. Build a strong solid foundation, so when the balance comes, the experience is flowing with freedom. For me, it's like defying gravity and then learning how to surf it and align with it. What I came to notice is how this practice was a mirror for my relationships, defiance and now, harmony. Do this class over and over again. You will have so much fun and it will be so different every time and you will come to have a fantastic love affair with your own techniques! You will worry less about what everyone else can do and you cannot (on and off the matt). That is a part of aparigraha: non-coveting and non-greed. Enjoy!


All Levels

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Block and strap if you have/need it
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 2 reviews

Technique Workshops

Therapeutic Alignment: Crow Pose

Shy Sayar

Crow Pose is the doorway to all arm balances, yet the vast majority of practitioners perform it incorrectly, endangering the wrists and putting undue pressure on the shoulders and the neck. Join Yoga Therapist, Shy Sayar, for a concise exploration of proper alignment technique in crow pose, and learn how to protect your wrists and bear the weight of your body in your core - where it belongs!


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.96
based on 41 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga50 mins

Tittibasana Flow: Balance and Fly

Kylie Larson

In this class you will work towards Tittibasana, or Firefly pose. In order to get into the arm balance Tittibasana, you will need to stretch the hamstrings, connect to your core strength and practice balancing on your hands.

While this is a vinyasa class and the poses are linked together, the only breath to breath vinyasa is in the initial Sun Salutations. After that we take our time in the poses, and work on on stretching the hamstrings, side bodies while strengthening the core. This class is a nice balance of stretch and strength.



Everyday Namaste

Blocks - not required, but might want them
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.13
based on 8 reviews

Power Yoga49 mins

Power Yoga with Dave Farmar 11

Dave Farmar

Joy in the Journey

Get ready for 45 minutes of Power Vinyasa Yoga with Dave Farmar.

This class will bring you in to new positions (literally!) and give you the perspective to enjoy the journey as you work towards getting there.

It’s specially designed for Intermediate practitioners, playing with and teaching you Forearm Stand, all within a challenging power sequence.

Throughout the practice, Dave gives options for modifications or variations for many of the poses, including the peak pose.

Take on this opportunity to drive your practice to a new level, and more importantly, find a real joy while doing so and wherever you go next!



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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 28 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga59 mins

Lighten Up: Kapha Balancing Flow

Claire Petretti Marti

Feeling heavy? Lethargic? Sleepless? You may have a kapha imbalance or it simply may be Kapha time of year: early spring. This dynamic, sweaty Vinyasa flow class is designed to stimulate slow energy, sluggish digestion, and heaviness. You’ll sweat, twist, balance in poses like Ardha Chandrasana (Half-moon), Vasisthasana (side plank), Garudasana (Eagle), with options for arm balances like side crow. Core work and spine strengthening round out this balanced class. Get ready to heat up!



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Block (Optional)
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Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.92
based on 85 reviews

Power Yoga29 mins

Busy Day Flow

Jackie Casal Mahrou

Our busiest days are the most important days to squeeze in a yoga class! Do yourself a favor and make time for this short and sweet flowing class today. You will be thankful that you did.

This class gives you a little bit of everything in just 30 minutes. Jackie begins by leading you through warming Sun Salutation A & B with variations, and then guides you into deeper postures such as Humble Warrior and Crow Pose (Bakasana). You will finish with a standing balancing posture to invigorate you, and a few floor postures to ground you. This class will work for you any time of day. Enjoy!



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